- 1). Pick a background on which to mount the picture and poem. Picture frames come in many sizes and will give pictures and poems very professional looks. But they can be expensive. Foam board and bristol board are cheaper options.
- 2). Ensure the backing color in the picture frame or bristol board complements the colors in the photo. Neutral colors such as black, white and gray work with virtually any color scheme, especially if the photo is in black and white.
- 3). Lay the mounting board on a flat surface. Lay the picture and poem on top of the mounting board and slide them around the board until you find a positioning arrangement that you feel works well -- side by side, one above the other or at an angle to each other.
- 4). Glue the photo and poem to the mounting board.
- 5). Use a clean tissue or lint-free cloth to smooth any air bubbles that may have appeared between the photo and the mounting board. Press gently to strengthen the bond between the glued back of the photo and poem and the mounting board.