Plain Text Editor
Please use a plain text editor, like 'NotePad' or 'Open Office' before submitting your articles ...or stop using parenthesis, exclamations, quotations, contractions, commas and apostrophe's as well as all other characters that are not letters or numbers... (LOL). Many garbled text characters come through in your submissions in these characters places. Here's an example of what it looks like upon submission: cafe rooms Here^@s, it@#ll, #/aWe the people... #/a ... etc.
Just going through the servers alone jumbles some characters in your articles. However, using a plain text editor as well as minimizing use of contractions will keep these errors to a minimum.
Long Titles
Yes, we all know that context is king on-line. However, if your article title itself resembles a paragraphthis editor will skip it and go on to the next article. Why? I have thousands to choose from and no one wants to read anything that seems a chore! For those of you who think your long titles will get you more 'hits'--they won't get you more hits if I simply skip over it for being extremely long ...and I will.
Writing That is More Work Than Pleasure (Or.. Written Works That Are
Not Read)
Writing's that seem a chore and will be passed over by readers and editors alike are included here. Declined articles may include any and/or all of the following mistakes that this editor sees on a daily basis:
* Run-on sentences that seem never ending confuse everyone. Break them up. Your sentences should not cover more than three lines maximum. Your readers become confused, lose interest and move on as well as this editor.
* Humongous endless paragraphs that seem as a mountain to climb (read)--will not be read. Again, break them up. If it looks like a chore, readers are not going to attempt the work and neither will the editor. Your paragraphs should not exceed eight lines.
* Lack of white space. White space is VERY important to your readers for ease of reading on the eyes and clarity in comprehension. Another pet peeve of this editor is finding no spaces between paragraph headings and their paragraphs. Makes your writing look sloppy and you appear as a lazy writer.
* Words that are too technical for the reader learning your area of expertise should be spelled out. Spell these words out in full and do not abbreviate, (at least in the beginning of your article) for clarification for those learning. You are teaching at this point, so explain in full detail! They may be common abbreviations to you and I but foreign to them.
It is important for authors to realize that the average person only reads at 5th-6th grade literary level. Therefore, you should script your written works accordingly. Remember that you are teaching and informing, so don't skimp or be a lazy writer. Adding 'ple' to 'multi' is not going to break anyone's time bank. Yes, another peeve.
As on-line editors, we have to keep in mind that editing is important, clarification is vital, information is crucial. No doubt correct grammar and usage are very importantyet writing is an Art as well and leniency should be given accordingly.
Please use a plain text editor, like 'NotePad' or 'Open Office' before submitting your articles ...or stop using parenthesis, exclamations, quotations, contractions, commas and apostrophe's as well as all other characters that are not letters or numbers... (LOL). Many garbled text characters come through in your submissions in these characters places. Here's an example of what it looks like upon submission: cafe rooms Here^@s, it@#ll, #/aWe the people... #/a ... etc.
Just going through the servers alone jumbles some characters in your articles. However, using a plain text editor as well as minimizing use of contractions will keep these errors to a minimum.
Long Titles
Yes, we all know that context is king on-line. However, if your article title itself resembles a paragraphthis editor will skip it and go on to the next article. Why? I have thousands to choose from and no one wants to read anything that seems a chore! For those of you who think your long titles will get you more 'hits'--they won't get you more hits if I simply skip over it for being extremely long ...and I will.
Writing That is More Work Than Pleasure (Or.. Written Works That Are
Not Read)
Writing's that seem a chore and will be passed over by readers and editors alike are included here. Declined articles may include any and/or all of the following mistakes that this editor sees on a daily basis:
* Run-on sentences that seem never ending confuse everyone. Break them up. Your sentences should not cover more than three lines maximum. Your readers become confused, lose interest and move on as well as this editor.
* Humongous endless paragraphs that seem as a mountain to climb (read)--will not be read. Again, break them up. If it looks like a chore, readers are not going to attempt the work and neither will the editor. Your paragraphs should not exceed eight lines.
* Lack of white space. White space is VERY important to your readers for ease of reading on the eyes and clarity in comprehension. Another pet peeve of this editor is finding no spaces between paragraph headings and their paragraphs. Makes your writing look sloppy and you appear as a lazy writer.
* Words that are too technical for the reader learning your area of expertise should be spelled out. Spell these words out in full and do not abbreviate, (at least in the beginning of your article) for clarification for those learning. You are teaching at this point, so explain in full detail! They may be common abbreviations to you and I but foreign to them.
It is important for authors to realize that the average person only reads at 5th-6th grade literary level. Therefore, you should script your written works accordingly. Remember that you are teaching and informing, so don't skimp or be a lazy writer. Adding 'ple' to 'multi' is not going to break anyone's time bank. Yes, another peeve.
As on-line editors, we have to keep in mind that editing is important, clarification is vital, information is crucial. No doubt correct grammar and usage are very importantyet writing is an Art as well and leniency should be given accordingly.