- 1). Begin with the name of the web page and format it so that the name is in italics. Place a period after the name of the web page.
- 2). Follow the web page with the version number if applicable. This can be in regular font and does not need to be italicized. End the version number with a period.
- 3). Next add the name of the organization or institution that is associated with the web page, usually the sponsor or the publisher of the page. This, too, can be in regular text and does not need to be italicized. Follow the name of the organization with a period.
- 4). Find the date that the web page was created and put that next in your citation. Often this will just appear as a year. Type this in regular text and place a period after it.
- 5). Insert the medium of the publication which will be "web" as long as you are using a web page. Type this in regular text and follow it with a period.
- 6). Include your date of access last. This will be the day, month and year that you looked at the page and got your information from it, for example "8 July 2011."
In a Bibliography