Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Will a Stop Snoring Spray Work?

While there are many causes of snoring, the sound is always caused from vibrations in your airways, mainly in the throat.
Snoring only occurs during sleep because when you are awake your airways are kept open and they stay moist, so vibrations can't occur.
When you sleep you are more relaxed, plus gravity also lends a hand in narrowing the airways.
Many people breathe through their mouth, which leads to the drying out of your airways.
Narrowing airways and drying out of passages lead to snoring.
A stop snoring spray can moisten the throat, reducing snoring or eliminating it.
Nasal Sprays Many people snore because of problems in the nasal passages.
When tissue in the nose gets swollen or there is an over production of mucus, airways can become too narrow.
When a person falls asleep and their body is relaxed, the airways narrow even more and snoring starts.
With every breath you snore.
A stop snoring spray can reduce swelling, slow mucus production and keep airways open without drying them out.
These sprays are especially helpful if you suffer from allergies or have a cold.
Some sprays contain medication, like antihistamines or decongestants.
They may also contain herbs, such as thyme or rosemary.
Sprays for the Throat It is most common for snoring to result from problems in the throat, not the nose.
There are choices in stop snoring spray products that are made for treating the throat.
Most of these products use a wand that is placed in the mouth and the spray then goes to your throat.
Sprays usually contain things like MSM, peppermint oil, xanthan gum and vitamin E.
Ingredients like these help to lubricate the throat so they can't vibrate and produce snoring sounds.
These sprays may also help to reduce swelling in tissues in the throat, which helps to keep airways open.
When using a stop snoring spray you should read and follow all directions.
Usually this means using the spray before bed by spraying on the back of the throat.
It is important to not eat or drink after using the spray or you could reduce the effectiveness of the product.
It may also be smart to not use a stop snoring spray long term.
If they contain medications or herbs you could become resistant or your body may react and start creating more mucus.
It is important if you take other medications, that you compare the ingredients in stop snoring spray products.
These products do not treat serious problems, like asthma or sleep apnea.
They can't treat physical issues that cause snoring.
There are stop snoring spray products that do not contain medications or that are all natural.
You may not have to use medications or drugs to help you stop snoring.
With use of a spray product you can finally get a good night's rest.
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