Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

Finding A Way of Fundraising for Your School During the Recession

Raising money for one's school is a great way to get involved.
Money raised from school fundraisers can be used for field trips, yearbooks, assemblies, clubs, extracurricular activities, and so much more.
Unfortunately, the recession has made raising money hard for any institution.
However, it is important not to get discouraged.
There are so many great fundraising ideas out there and most parents and community members are willing to help raise funds for the local school.
When many people brainstorm fundraising ideas, they immediately think of cake sales.
Cake sales can be a great way to raise funds for a school as long as one alerts the students and parents ahead of time to come prepared with money to purchase baked goods.
Most baked goods cost very little to make and it can be a fun activity for students to do with their parents.
If, however, a school decides that baking is not for them, similar sale ideas work for raising funds as well.
For example, one could buy sweets or cookies in bulk then sell them for a profit.
Again, it is necessary to alert the school community of this ahead of time so they are prepared with money to purchase these products.
Another type of fundraising is done using cards.
Discount cards are created with the help of local town merchants or businesses who agree to provide some sort of discount such as 10% off a purchase or a free £5.
00 gift card.
These discount cards can be sold to community members in order to raise funds for a school.
Another type of card is called a scratch card.
Students raising funds have a lottery type card with certain numbers on it, all of which must be below a certain amount such as five dollars.
Parents and community members are asked to scratch off a spot of their choice then donate that amount of money.
It is a fun way to raise money and no one has to donate a particularly large amount.
A final well known fundraising idea is a raffle.
Raffles are a fun way to involve the entire community.
In order for a raffle to be successful it is necessary to gather multiple items or experiences on which community members will want to bid.
Many local merchants will be willing to help out with a raffle.
Parents and older siblings often have relevant raffle items to auction as well.
Selling tickets to the raffle is the most important way to raise funds, but it can also be beneficial to have a concession stand at the raffle itself.
This is an added way to make money.
Never let the recession dissuade you from raising funds for your school!
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