Health & Medical Anti Aging

How Do You Rejuvenate Dry, Aging, Thin Skin That is Also Sensitive?

Can You Safely Rejuvenate Thin, Dry, Aged, Sensitive Skin? Trying to rejuvenate aging skin that's also thin, dry, wrinkled AND is sensitive to any form of chemical or glycolic acid peels -- is always challenge.
Often times, these anti-aging techniques irritate and sometimes even thin the skin too much, making it look worse then before the treatment.
Aging sensitive skin has special needs and must be treated gently - but how do you rejuvenate and Build collagen on skin that can barely handle an over-the-counter-glycolic acid treatment? Simple - with Retinol based products.
A recent study in the Archives of Dermatology found that retinol lotion helped ease the appearance of fine wrinkles on the skin of participants whose medium age was 80 or over.
Some study participants found that results were seen in as early as four weeks - which is a pretty fast time frame considering the age of the participants.
In addition to collagen production, retinols can help increase skin oils which is a plus for most people over 40 years of age.
Acne Prone? For those folks suffering from for that Acne, retinols have been report to help with chronic cystic acne.
Retinol products have been used for acne because of their ability to exfoliate the skin and unclog pores.
And to help stimulate collagen production - which is key when it comes to skin aging and wrinkles.
What Is Retinol? Retinol is essentially just a vitamin A molecule broken into hundreds of smaller compounds.
These compounds include tretinoin, which is the active ingredient in the prescription acne cream Retin-A..
this acne/wrinkle cream has been a popular prescription over the last 20 years.
Retinol belongs to a group of chemical components called retinoids -- and is one of the few ingredients whose component is so small that it can actually penetrate the skin and get deep enough into the layers so it can work on collagen and elastin repair..
Here it can begin to repair wrinkles, fine lines, increase moisture and elasticity.
The result is softer, smooth, glowing skin.
Retinol products can deliver a clearer, smoother and more vibrant complexion - especially in sensitive aging skin.
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