Insurance Auto Insurance & Registration

Popular Auto Insurance Discounts You Should Know About

One of the easiest ways to save on your car insurance is auto insurance discounts, and they take no more then a second of your time to get.
Depending on the situation, we have come across examples where people have reduced their car insurance premium by almost 50% by combing the right discounts.
We have scoured the internet for you to find a list of popular auto insurance discounts that people are using to lower their premium.
Popular Auto Insurance Discounts Low Mileage: If you car pool, walk or just don't use your vehicle that often, try asking your broker about any low mileage discounts they offer.
Driver's Education: If your a new driver taking an approved drivers education program can help lower your premium during the first, most expensive years.
Group Rates: Some companies have group rates that you may not even know about.
If you don't have group rates, speak to your broker about what it would take for them to set them up.
Multi-Line Discount: If you insure your home & auto with the same company, you can be eligible for discounts on policies.
Retiree Discount: This discount may be available to those aged 55 or over.
If available, the exact age for eligibility may vary depending on the company.
Age Discount: There are some great discounts that occur as you hit search age milestones.
Student Discount: Parents of student drivers who live away from home may be entitled to discounts.
Multi-Car Discount: If you have more than one vehicle under the same policy, your insurance company may offer you a discount on the total premium.
Winter Tire Discount: Winter tires are one of the best investments you can ever make (especially in Canada).
If you own winter tires, you may be entitled to a discount on your car insurance just by using them.
Loyalty Discount: One thing that insurance companies love to see is someone who stays with the same insurance company for long time.
Some insurance companies will even give you a discount if you had continuous insurance with the same company for several years.
Most insurance companies will give you a discount if you prove that you have a good driving record.
If you have a clean record, and pay your premium on time you may be eligible for discounts such as - Good Driver discount - Accident Free discount - Claims Free discount Keep in mind that every insurance company is different and don't always offer the same discounts.
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