- Giants: Citizen Kabuto is a cross-genre game blending the gameplay of first-person shooters such as Halo with the real-time strategy of games like Command and Conquer. Planet Moon Studios developed the game, and Interplay published it for PC, and later for PlayStation 2; the Omni Group ported the game to Mac OS X in 2001. The game received generally positive reviews for its personality and innovative gameplay, but it initially suffered from bugs and performance issues.
- Giants required a top-of-the-line computer when it was released in 2000. At a minimum, it requires a Pentium II 250MHz processor, 64 megabytes of RAM, a 4X CD-ROM, 900 megabytes of hard drive space, an 8-megabyte D3D-compatible 3D video card and a DirectX-compatible sound card. Planet Moon recommended at least a Pentium II 450MHz processor with 128 megabytes of RAM and 1.3 gigabytes of free hard drive space. Any computer made recently should have substantially better specifications than either the minimum or recommended requirements
- The Omni Group's port for the Mac OS X operating system has similar requirements to the PC version. A Mac should have at least a G3 350MHz processor, 128 megabytes of RAM and 16MB 3D Accelerated Video card.
- Good Older Games (GoG) publishes old games optimized for contemporary systems includingGiants: Citizen Kabuto. While this version is designed to operate on advanced systems, it has some higher requirements than the original game. The GoG version of Giants requires Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7, 788 megabytes of hard drive space, a 1 GHz processor, 256 megabytes of RAM and a 3D graphics card with at least DirectX 7; it recommends a 1.4GHz processor and 512 megabytes of RAM.
Game Description
PC Requirements
Mac Requirements
Good Older Games Version