Health & Medical Yoga

The Point of Meditation - Just Be

Just be...
I hear it all the time from my friend but never really understood what it meant.
You see, I am the type of person who always needs to be doing something, whether it be for my family, my friends, my neighbors...
You get the picture.
This all means no time for me.
Meditation does give time for me.
No one else can be a part of my meditative state.
There are stages one must go through on their way to actually just being.
First and foremost, and this is my biggy, you have to get used to sitting still.
No movement.
No running here and there.
This is like hitting the off switch on your body.
Do you have one? Do you know where it is? Find it and the world will appear a lot clearer.
Am I the only one who has trouble focusing? Today with television, video games, music videos and movies there is always something flickering in front of you trying to distract you from your focus.
There are wise people in the world who have found a better life by taking the TV, radio, newspaper and video games out of the home.
They are no longer being pelted and drawn every which way.
They have found the ability to focus on living and doing it in quality fashion.
Okay, so now you can focus on your job, on your children, on your friends.
But what about turning that focus inwards on you? Meditation will help you learn to discover what makes you you.
You may not like what you see at first but made aware of it gives you the power to change it.
There's a saying that goes something like this: you can't know what you don't know.
Think about it...
As the months go by and you continue to meditate daily you will probably find yourself meditating for longer periods of time.
This is not at all unusual.
You are beginning to feel peace.
Your children don't recognize you because you are so calm around them.
It feels so good you begin to crave those times of the day when you take a break for yourself.
Meditation can become very addictive but in an extremely positive way.
You are becoming more focused as you meditate.
You are discovering what it means to feel relaxed.
Your thoughts are no longer like a pinball machine in your head.
Your mind especially is settling down.
In this state you are able to accomplish so much more and feel good about it.
You will know you have done your best and now it's time to move on to the next item on your list.
As you meditate, as you become better at it and enjoy it more and more you are bound to experience short periods of stillness and peace.
Embrace these times.
You have established yourself on the road to "just being".
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