Do you have dark under-eye circles that make you look tired and make your eyes look sunk in? Although the causes of under-eye circles could be hereditary, seasonal, hormonal or just from simply being tired, it is definitely something that we want to hide.
Follow these easy tips to fix this problem easily: 1.
Moisturize your eye area with an eye cream to keep your skin dewy and moist and keep the concealer from 'caking' on the skin, which will happen if the skin is dry.
Apply a concealer to the dark areas following these simple rules: if the circles under your eyes are very purple, use a concealer that has a yellowish tone.
If the circles are blue, use a more orange concealer.
If your circles are reddish, get an olive toned concealer and if they are brownish, get one with a more bluish or mauve shade.
Some women prefer to apply the concealer with a small makeup brush and others just use their fingers.
Either one works just fine.
Just remember if you are using your fingers to use your ring finger since it's the least strong of the fingers and will not put too much pressure on this delicate area.
Get a fine translucent powder and apply it on the eye area with a brush or pat it with a makeup sponge.
The powder will set the corrective concealer in place and prevent it from smearing and creasing.
Now you are ready to apply your regular concealer: the one that matches the rest of your normal skin shade.
A little trick is to apply the under-eye corrective concealer after you apply your face foundation, as the foundation will partially hide the dark circles and you will this way need to use less amount of corrective concealer on the eye area.
Another quick tip, if the concealer feels too thick of cakey after its application, is to mix into it one or two drops of your favorite eye cream to smooth out its consistency.
Put these easy steps in practice and say good bye to unsightly undereye circles forever.
Follow these easy tips to fix this problem easily: 1.
Moisturize your eye area with an eye cream to keep your skin dewy and moist and keep the concealer from 'caking' on the skin, which will happen if the skin is dry.
Apply a concealer to the dark areas following these simple rules: if the circles under your eyes are very purple, use a concealer that has a yellowish tone.
If the circles are blue, use a more orange concealer.
If your circles are reddish, get an olive toned concealer and if they are brownish, get one with a more bluish or mauve shade.
Some women prefer to apply the concealer with a small makeup brush and others just use their fingers.
Either one works just fine.
Just remember if you are using your fingers to use your ring finger since it's the least strong of the fingers and will not put too much pressure on this delicate area.
Get a fine translucent powder and apply it on the eye area with a brush or pat it with a makeup sponge.
The powder will set the corrective concealer in place and prevent it from smearing and creasing.
Now you are ready to apply your regular concealer: the one that matches the rest of your normal skin shade.
A little trick is to apply the under-eye corrective concealer after you apply your face foundation, as the foundation will partially hide the dark circles and you will this way need to use less amount of corrective concealer on the eye area.
Another quick tip, if the concealer feels too thick of cakey after its application, is to mix into it one or two drops of your favorite eye cream to smooth out its consistency.
Put these easy steps in practice and say good bye to unsightly undereye circles forever.