Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

A Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Can Represent Your Interests

Statistics show that the number of people getting injured in drunk driving accidents is on the rise. Any person that has been injured by an intoxicated driver has the legal right to claim damages to life and property. Driving under influence of alcohol (DUI) cases are best handled by a drunk driving accident lawyer. Such a lawyer will not only help you in representing your interests pertaining to the DUI case, but also look into Personal Injury angles that are likely to arise in your case.

There are several different types of damages that can be claimed if you or your family member has been injured or killed by an intoxicated driver. You can claim these damages as a survivor or victim. Some of the damages that you can recover include€"pain and suffering, wrongful death, punitive damages, loss of wages, and medical expenses among others.

If you have been injured by an intoxicated driver in Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Dram Shop Statute comes into play. As part of this statute, the social hose or individual that serves alcohol to a visually intoxicated person is equally liable for damages caused by the intoxicated person driving a vehicle. Reputable Pennsylvania car accident attorneys will be able to guide you further on this matter.

Should you have the misfortune of being in such an accident, it is recommended that you hire the services of a drunk driving accident lawyer. Here are some other things to do in the event of such an accident taking place:

€ Apart from seeing a doctor to gauge the nature and extent of your injuries, it is vital to request eye witnesses to obtain a written statement from them at the earliest you can.

€ If possible, one must note down the car license number of the vehicle that hit you. If this isn't possible, you can get the details from local police authorities when you file a police report.

€ Maintain a detailed record of the pain and injury, expenses, mental trauma, and loss of wages caused owing to the accident. All of these details will help your chosen attorney build a strong case.

€ The next thing to do would be to call the office of the most notable Pennsylvania car accident attorneys and discuss the nature of your case with them.

€ Since the process of claiming medical insurance is a rather lengthy one, you might want to seek the assistance of your attorney in this process.

There are usually several facets involved in a DUI accident, which is precisely why you would need to hire the services of a reputable drunk driving accident lawyer. This would enable you on your recovery while the attorneys represent your legal interests.
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