Although it was revered in ancient times, no one knew what made mineral water healthy.
Today, some of us know a lot about natural mineral water H20 and other bottled brands.
To buy or not to buy is your choice, but let me just give you a little information, before you make that decision.
Except for squeezing and capturing the juice from fruit, nature provides us with few beverage options.
Imagine life as a hunter-gatherer.
Stopping for a drink from a bubbling spring, you notice a different taste, somehow uplifting.
Perhaps, you were the tribe's healer.
You were the one that tried new things first.
It was the ancient healers that first considered mineral water healthy for many different ailments.
Trial and error was how traditional healers learned.
In this day and age, we don't have the need or the time to try different things like natural mineral water H20 for health reasons.
Of course, those who spend too much time listening to commercials or watching them on TV think that if their favorite actor says something is good for you, then it must be.
Of course, if you just want a different tasting beverage then, I guess you could try natural mineral water H20, Perrier or another bottled brand for that matter, unless you care about the environment or are concerned about contaminants.
The bottles create extra trash for the landfills and you can never be sure about the quality of the purification system the company uses.
They say things like "Nature's springs make mineral water healthy!" But, most brands do not come from springs.
They come from a tap somewhere and usually, they run the liquid through some kind of purifier, unless someone makes a mistake.
Perrier does come from a spring in France.
It is naturally carbonated and contains calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium.
So, it really sounds like all that would make Perrier mineral water healthy, but never assume.
In 1990, the company recalled its entire United States inventory.
County officials in North Carolina were sure that they would find Perrier mineral water healthy and pure.
They were about to use their test results as a point of comparison for their treatment facilities.
What they found was a chemical called Benzene.
Benzene contamination is a world wide health threat.
The EPA limits the amount that can be present in the public's drinking-water to .
005 mg per liter or 5 parts per billion.
The amount found in the Perrier was 12.
3 to 19.
9 parts per billion.
Testing was repeated in a number of bottles in North Carolina and Georgia.
All results agreed.
Officials expected to find that natural mineral water H20, Perrier and other brands were pure and health giving, they found instead a cancer causing chemical.
The company claimed that it was an isolated incident, an employee error, but several different lots, manufactured at different times were all tested.
This is one of the problems with buying anything in a bottle.
You simply cannot know for sure "what's in there".
Only the best, most technologically advanced purification systems block benzene.
Installing one in your home and drinking only what has been filtered by it is the only way to ever be completely sure about the safety of your beverages.
Today, some of us know a lot about natural mineral water H20 and other bottled brands.
To buy or not to buy is your choice, but let me just give you a little information, before you make that decision.
Except for squeezing and capturing the juice from fruit, nature provides us with few beverage options.
Imagine life as a hunter-gatherer.
Stopping for a drink from a bubbling spring, you notice a different taste, somehow uplifting.
Perhaps, you were the tribe's healer.
You were the one that tried new things first.
It was the ancient healers that first considered mineral water healthy for many different ailments.
Trial and error was how traditional healers learned.
In this day and age, we don't have the need or the time to try different things like natural mineral water H20 for health reasons.
Of course, those who spend too much time listening to commercials or watching them on TV think that if their favorite actor says something is good for you, then it must be.
Of course, if you just want a different tasting beverage then, I guess you could try natural mineral water H20, Perrier or another bottled brand for that matter, unless you care about the environment or are concerned about contaminants.
The bottles create extra trash for the landfills and you can never be sure about the quality of the purification system the company uses.
They say things like "Nature's springs make mineral water healthy!" But, most brands do not come from springs.
They come from a tap somewhere and usually, they run the liquid through some kind of purifier, unless someone makes a mistake.
Perrier does come from a spring in France.
It is naturally carbonated and contains calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium.
So, it really sounds like all that would make Perrier mineral water healthy, but never assume.
In 1990, the company recalled its entire United States inventory.
County officials in North Carolina were sure that they would find Perrier mineral water healthy and pure.
They were about to use their test results as a point of comparison for their treatment facilities.
What they found was a chemical called Benzene.
Benzene contamination is a world wide health threat.
The EPA limits the amount that can be present in the public's drinking-water to .
005 mg per liter or 5 parts per billion.
The amount found in the Perrier was 12.
3 to 19.
9 parts per billion.
Testing was repeated in a number of bottles in North Carolina and Georgia.
All results agreed.
Officials expected to find that natural mineral water H20, Perrier and other brands were pure and health giving, they found instead a cancer causing chemical.
The company claimed that it was an isolated incident, an employee error, but several different lots, manufactured at different times were all tested.
This is one of the problems with buying anything in a bottle.
You simply cannot know for sure "what's in there".
Only the best, most technologically advanced purification systems block benzene.
Installing one in your home and drinking only what has been filtered by it is the only way to ever be completely sure about the safety of your beverages.