Cars & Vehicles Motorcycles

Motorcycle Accessories for Under $100 - Five Picks for Your Bike

If you'd like to get a new part for your motorcycle but don't want to spend a fortune, here are a few of my favorite inexpensive bike goodies.
The parts below won't set you back more than $100 and most bolt onto your bike in just a minute or two.
And unlike a new fairing or set of exhaust pipes, these add-ons won't keep you in the garage for hours.
I've also included a couple great but economical accessories that are overlooked by many riders.
Air Cleaner Covers
Here's a bolt-on part that can instantly give your bike a custom look.
Just like chrome side covers, air cleaner covers are custom fit for each model bike.
Custom air cleaner covers are typically priced between $70 and $100 and are manufactured in a chrome-finished metal or plastic.
Many models include detailed graphics etched into the face for an added custom look.
Chrome Horns and Covers
Custom horns are a great accessory because they're functional, inexpensive and add some extra chrome to your bike.
Prices start as low as $10 for a basic chrome horn and go to $75 or more for high-end models.
Twelve-volt models are the most common because they work with most bikes.
As you're checking out the different options, look for horns with sound levels over 100 decibels.
And if you're happy with your horn sound but still want to add more chrome, checkout a custom-milled horn cover.
Several manufacturers have snap-on horn covers of polished chrome with and without etched graphics.
Bike Locks
When you were a kid, locks made sense for your bicycle and now they're still a good idea for your motorcycle.
There are two basic styles of motorcycle locks on the market - disc locks & cable/chain locks.
As the name suggests, disk locks mount to your disk brake and immobilize your bike at the wheel.
Cable locks give you more mounting options, of course.
Cable locks are typically manufactured from braided hardened or stainless steel and covered by plastic or nylon sleeves to prevent scratching.
Cable locks start around $25 and go up to $80 for top-of the line models.
Pricing starts at under $20 for a basic disk lock.
High-end disk locks are also available that include motion alarms that sound-off if your bike is disturbed.
Alarmed disk locks run about $100.
Foot Pegs
Although not as noticeable as some of the other accessories on our list, aftermarket foot pegs can provide a custom look and extra rider comfort.
There are plenty of options and prices range from $20 to over $100.
Custom foot pegs are typically constructed of polished chrome and aluminum and sometimes steal and many include rubber inserts to help reduce annoying engine vibration.
Some foot pegs also have an oval shape that provides more surface area for your foot and offer added comfort.
Second Helmet
A new second helmet is great to have handy when a friend or family member wants to take the occasional ride with you.
If you're anything like me, your current back-up helmet is in bad shape and probably doesn't fit anybody that wears it.
The good news is a decent second helmet may be less expensive than you think.
I've found several good-quality open-face and half helmet models for $100 or less from manufacturers like HJC and Nolan.
To insure your new helmet meets the minimum safety standards, look for DOT (Dept of Transportation) certified models.
Other useful features you can expect in this price range are - removable interior linings for easy cleaning and shell vent systems to keep you cool in the summer months.
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