- 1). Switch to InDesign's interactive workspace by clicking the Window menu, pointing to the Workspace item and then clicking "Interactive."
- 2). Select the text or image you want to make into a link.
- 3). Click the Hyperlink panel's icon in the Interactive panel to open the next panel. The Hyperlink panel's icon has the letters "abc" on it and a finger pointing at the text to resemble clicking a text link.
- 4). Click the expansion arrow in the right corner of the Hyperlink panel to open the Hyperlink panel menu, and then click "New Hyperlink." Alternatively, the "Create new hyperlink" button that is at the bottom of the Hyperlink panel.
- 5). Select the type of link you want to create from the drop-down menu. You can link to a URL, file, new email message, page within a document, text anchor within an InDesign document or shared location.
- 6). Provide the URL, file, email address or other destination for your link. Specify a subject line if your link is to an email address. Enter a document, page and zoom setting if your link's destination is a page, or select a text anchor. Choose a previously saved destination if your link is to a shared location.
- 7). Select the "Shared Hyperlink Destination" option if you want to store the hyperlink's destination for quick reuse in the Hyperlink panel. Deselect this option if you don't plan to use the destination again so that you don't have to look through unneeded destinations when trying to reuse one.
- 8). Choose a character style or set the appearance of the link. For example, underline text and change its color to blue to help people recognize that the text is a link. Click the "OK" button to add the link to the selected text or image.