Do you keep a record or evaluate your trading performance? If you are novice traders involved in shares trading, evaluation will certainly help you find out and learn what strategies and what methods have worked for you and what has not worked.
Ability to trade and quantum of profitability matters a lot for all future returns on investment.
This way, besides creating a win-win situation for yourself, you will also be able to beat the competition in the market.
Well, this is not all about share market trading.
There are numerous other considerations that should be taken into account.
This is only one part of the big story about share market trading.
Beginners can collect a wealth of information about share market online.
It is not only getting familiar with the various terminologies, trading methodologies but also how to read charts, how to determine the potentiality of stocks, etc.
than can be accessed online.
Get registered at an online shares trading platform.
The advantage of such a registration followed by subscription to certain services is that you will get relevant information, trading tips, stock recommendations, etc.
right in your mail box.
Your shares trading venture can no doubt be given a boost with such a registration.
Imagine gaining big profits for the first time and you become so excited that you invest in bulk in your next NSE share or BSE share without taking into account any of the considerations that you followed earlier.
You are just driven by the notion that the wheel of fortune is in your favor and you invest blindly.
But after some time your excitement level will go down.
It is because your NSE share or BSE share did not give you gains.
You became broke and your enthusiasm levels for shares trading have all vanished! Do not be driven by emotions; always be driven by judgment to maintain your profit gaining consistency levels.
Yes, you should of course reward yourself for the efforts you have put, the time you have spent, and for getting returns beyond your expectation levels.
Go out for a vacation with your family or engage yourself in some other rejuvenating activity like undergoing a spa therapy, etc.
After all, you do have the right to luxuriate with the extra income that you are gaining from your shares trading venture.
When you buy a BSE share, do consider the status of the company that sells it, i.
the performance over a period of time, say a decade.
Once you are certain that the company has maintained a growth record, with turnover added to every fiscal, buy the BSE share, as it will give you gains.
Similar is the case with an NSE share.
Choosing the share broker also matters because it is the broker who executes the transactions on your behalf.
Of course, buying and selling decisions are taken by you; the share broker will only follow what you say.
If you are having a very busy schedule, take the services of a full service share broker.
Ability to trade and quantum of profitability matters a lot for all future returns on investment.
This way, besides creating a win-win situation for yourself, you will also be able to beat the competition in the market.
Well, this is not all about share market trading.
There are numerous other considerations that should be taken into account.
This is only one part of the big story about share market trading.
Beginners can collect a wealth of information about share market online.
It is not only getting familiar with the various terminologies, trading methodologies but also how to read charts, how to determine the potentiality of stocks, etc.
than can be accessed online.
Get registered at an online shares trading platform.
The advantage of such a registration followed by subscription to certain services is that you will get relevant information, trading tips, stock recommendations, etc.
right in your mail box.
Your shares trading venture can no doubt be given a boost with such a registration.
Imagine gaining big profits for the first time and you become so excited that you invest in bulk in your next NSE share or BSE share without taking into account any of the considerations that you followed earlier.
You are just driven by the notion that the wheel of fortune is in your favor and you invest blindly.
But after some time your excitement level will go down.
It is because your NSE share or BSE share did not give you gains.
You became broke and your enthusiasm levels for shares trading have all vanished! Do not be driven by emotions; always be driven by judgment to maintain your profit gaining consistency levels.
Yes, you should of course reward yourself for the efforts you have put, the time you have spent, and for getting returns beyond your expectation levels.
Go out for a vacation with your family or engage yourself in some other rejuvenating activity like undergoing a spa therapy, etc.
After all, you do have the right to luxuriate with the extra income that you are gaining from your shares trading venture.
When you buy a BSE share, do consider the status of the company that sells it, i.
the performance over a period of time, say a decade.
Once you are certain that the company has maintained a growth record, with turnover added to every fiscal, buy the BSE share, as it will give you gains.
Similar is the case with an NSE share.
Choosing the share broker also matters because it is the broker who executes the transactions on your behalf.
Of course, buying and selling decisions are taken by you; the share broker will only follow what you say.
If you are having a very busy schedule, take the services of a full service share broker.