Business & Finance Personal Finance

Can I Request My Social Security Benefits Before 62?


    • The chief requirement for receiving retirement benefits is age. According to the Social Security Administration, a person can begin to receive benefits anytime between the ages of 62 and 70. However, if a person begins to receive benefits at age 62, he will receive less than he would if he retired at his full retirement age. The age at which SSA considers full retirement to begin varies depending on the year in which an individual was born.

    Other Requirements

    • In addition to turning 62, an individual must meet several other requirements to receive Social Security. Either the person must have worked a sufficient amount over the course of his life to qualify or have been married to someone who did. A person who qualifies is referred to as being fully insured under the Social Security system. In addition, the person must be a legal U.S. resident -- if not a citizen, then a permanent legal resident.


    • Before receiving benefits, a person must fill out an application. There are a number of ways that a person can apply for benefits, including visiting a local Social Security Administration office, filling out an application online, calling the Social Security Administration or mailing in an application. It usually takes at least several weeks to process a claim. Therefore, while a person cannot receive Social Security retirement benefits until age 62, it may behoove them to begin the application process several months before.

    Other Types of Social Security

    • While Social Security retirement benefits are not available to people under the age of 62, other types of Social Security benefits are. Social Security disability benefits, for example, which provide payments to help people suffering from severe disabilities, are available to children. In addition, Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, are monthly payments available to low-income people over the age of 18. Like retirement benefits, these benefits must be applied for first before they can be received,

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