- 1). Work at making friends with the people you already know. Get to know the people you come in contact with daily, such as coworkers, better. It will be easier for you to make friends with an acquaintance than start a friendship from scratch.
- 2). Volunteer. There are countless organizations you can give your time to. During events you can get to know people who have similar interests as yourself.
- 3). Go to church. A church not only is a place to pray, it is a hub of social activity. Churches offer numerous opportunities to meet people with strong values. Go to a bible study, join the Knights of Columbus or even play bingo.
- 4). Strike up a conversation with strangers. Everyone is a stranger until you get to know them. Strangers are everywhere. Try talking to someone new everyday, whether it is on the train, waiting in line, or on a plane. You might not make friends with every stranger you talk with, but you never know if you will find your best friend by making casual conversation.
Meeting People