Pets & Animal Pets & Animal

How to Bathe a Bunny

    • 1). Gather up the items that you will use while giving the bunny a bath. Bring a towel, a washcloth and some tear-free shampoo to the area where you will be giving your bunny a bath.

    • 2). Fill the tub with an inch or two of warm water. Check the water with your wrist to see that the temperature is safe. Do not accidentally burn or chill your bunny.

    • 3). Get the bunny and place the bunny in the water. Place a small amount of the tear-free shampoo on the washcloth and wet the washcloth with water.

    • 4). Wash the bunny with the washcloth. Start at the top of the bunny and work your way down its body. Wash one section of the bunny at a time. Examine the bunny for sores or insects while you are washing it, by looking at the skin underneath its hair.

    • 5). Rinse your bunny clean of soap by placing your cup in water and then pouring the water over the bunny.

    • 6). Place the bunny in the old towel and dry it off with the towel by rubbing the towel over the bunny. Hold the bunny in the towel while it is wet so that it will not get cold. Let the bunny air dry completely in the house before you return it to an outside location or to its cage. Place an old towel in the cage if you do return it to the cage, so that it has something warm to help it dry off on its own.

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