Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Different Kinds of Treatment to Consider for Sciatic Nerve Pain

The sciatic nerve is known as the longest nerve in the body.
When the nerve gets inflamed or irritated, a symptom known as Sciatica occurs.
Most patients say that the pain they feel is sharp and tender.
It runs from the lower back straight to the thighs, the back of the legs, and in some cases, it even reaches the toes.
The pain intensity ranges from mild to severe accompanied with aching and burning sensations.
Sciatica is caused by a lot of factors.
Sciatic nerve pain happens in the following cases: herniated discs or discs that have been ruptured thereby adding pressure to the nerve root, when the spinal cord is narrowed called the spinal stenois, spondylolisthesis wherein one vertebra diagonally slides instead of being in its proper alignment, a piriformis syndrome that happens when the piriformis muscle keeps applying pressure to the sciatic nerve, and then by a spinal trauma where there is spinal damage that causes the vertebrae to get misaligned.
In short, sciatic nerve pain happens whenever the nerve gets pressured or gets compressed.
When it comes to treatments, the most common medication is the use of a non steroidal anti inflammatory drug or NSAIDS such as ibuprofen.
You can also use some heat treatments, cortisone injections and exercise therapy as well.
All of these sciatic nerve pain treatments are proven to be effective but they only provide temporary relief especially when the cause of the pain is not the one treated directly.
If you want to have a longer lasting relief for your sciatic nerve pain, you can try the so called Triggerpoint Therapy.
This treatment method applies pressure between the buttocks using a massage tool or with the use of a regular tennis ball.
Another therapy worth looking into is the muscle balance therapy which deals with problems of posture due to uneven muscles present in the spinal column.
Inversion Therapy, on the other hand, allows more circulation by relieving pressure or compression on the nerve.
This leads to regular blood flow to the area in order to supply oxygen and blood to help heal the pain quickly.
Treatment using Eastern medicine can also be used.
An example of this is acupressure that applies direct pressure on specified points in the body.
The Ayurvedic Treatment is one of the new treatments patients are now resorting to.
It is similar to Acupressure.
Lastly, Diet Therapy, some people say, is also efficient.
This requires the patient to maintain a diet that is rich in magnesium for the muscles to tighten.
Some foods that have high magnesium content include beans, bananas, green leafy vegetables, and nuts.
You must remember that sciatic nerve pain is not a sickness but a symptom where treatment should be made on the condition.
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