Business & Finance Corporations

Home Business Tips - If I Just Had One More Hour In My Day

One of the biggest complaints I get from home business owners is that they don't have enough hours in the day to get done what they want to get done.
If they only had one more hour or just a little bit more time.
Well, I'm here to tell you that you DO.
You just don't know it yet.
Well, I'm going to show you how you can easily get one, maybe even two extra hours of time in your day.
All it takes is a little effort.
Let's start with the time that you wake up in the morning.
Let's say you get up at 7 AM every morning like I do.
Want an extra hour? No, you don't have to get up at 6 AM.
But how about getting up at 6:45.
That's not that much earlier and it already gives you an extra 15 minutes.
All you have left is to find yourself another 45 minutes in your day...
and it's not hard.
How about we move on to lunch time? What do you usually do during lunch? Aren't you still at your computer? I know I am.
I eat my breakfast, lunch AND dinner at my computer...
even when I'm not working.
So how about during lunch time, instead of spending that time at YouTube watching videos or playing your favorite MMORPG, spend 15 minutes of that time getting some work done.
Now you're up to 30 extra minutes in your day.
Just 30 more to go.
Next we get to your stat checking.
Oh don't deny it.
You know you spend at least 15 minutes each day checking your stats, if not longer.
Well, instead of checking your stats (they're not going anywhere you know) how about spending the time doing something productive? You can check your stats for those 15 minutes, or however long it takes you, once a week on the weekend.
Trust me, stats don't change that much from day to day if you're running an efficient business.
Only 15 minutes to go.
Well, now we're up to the end of the day.
Guess what? How about heading to bed 15 minutes later than usual? No, it's not going to kill you.
Most people can function perfectly on 7 or even 6 hours of sleep a night.
Even at my age (I'm no spring chicken) I don't need 8 hours of sleep a night.
Heck, I don't sleep through the night anyway.
Point is, if you REALLY want some extra time in your day, it's there for you.
You just have to want it badly enough.
To YOUR Success, Steven Wagenheim
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