- Make a wash of milk and honey. The lactic acid in milk is a natural exfoliant that will peel away the top layer of skin, revealing new, firmer skin. Plus, milk is also vitamin-rich and softening. Honey is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial, so it will cleanse the pores. The honey also will shrink the pores, firming the skin.
- Try moisturizing with the natural emollient coconut oil. Coconut oil exfoliates the outer layer of dead skin, revealing healthier, smoother skin. It creates a barrier to protect skin, and it moisturizes down to the deepest layers of the skin. Most important, coconut oil repairs connective tissue, making the skin strong and more firm.
- Aloe has alpha hydroxy acid that can gently exfoliate your skin. The juice from the aloe leaf can be applied to your skin to repair wrinkles and firm the skin. Wash your skin each night before you go to bed, and then apply juice from an aloe plant to your skin and leave it on while you sleep.
- Rosewater is very good for cleansing sensitive or aging skin. Rosewater nourishes the skin with vitamins B, E and K, and it gently wipes away dirt and oil. You can make you own rosewater by filling a jar three-quarters with witch hazel and one-quarter distilled water. Add fresh rose petals, put a cap on the jar and sit in direct sunlight for at least three weeks. When it has steeped, strain the rose petals and put the liquid in a clean jar.
- You can also use egg to firm your skin. This is particularly useful for people with oily skin. You apply the egg white to your face or neck, and allow it to dry. When it is dry, gently wipe away the egg with warm water, and pat your face or neck dry with a towel.
Milk and Honey
Coconut Oil
Egg Whites