Aging is an unfortunate progression of events in our lives, one that is largely unwelcome and distressing.
Along with wrinkles, loss of muscle tone and skin elasticity, we also experience a slowing-down in our system functions, and consequently, begin suffering from various ailments.
However, of late there has been a renewal of interest in natural remedies and natural foods that boost various organ systems in our bodies.
1 Hemp Seeds These are the seeds of the cannabis sativa plant.
Although a lot of controversy surrounds the cannabis plant, hemp seeds are a valuable nutritional supplement.
They contain a complete protein that is composed of 10 amino acids.
This protein, very similar to a human blood protein, is easily absorbed and metabolized by the human digestive system.
Hemp seeds contain more omega-3 than walnuts, as well omega-6, linoleic and alpha-linoleic acids.
They are also a great source of fiber and anti-oxidants.
These qualities help hemp seeds boost the immune system, aid in digestion and even regulate the cardiovascular system.
2 Garlic While it may cause 'garlic breath', this is really the only negative thing you can say about garlic.
This humble plant has fantastic health-boosting properties.
It possesses anti-microbial activity, thus boosting the immune system.
It lowers cholesterol and blood sugar, inhibits breast and skin cancer, lowers high blood pressure, helps with digestive ailments such as diarrhea and has been used with great success to treat skin disorders like pimples and boils.
3 Turmeric First used in India, as a dye then a weight-loss and skin agent, turmeric is available world-wide in the form of a cooking agent and health supplement.
The curcumin in turmeric has been shown to have antiseptic properties, preventing infection.
As well, it has been used to help with treating arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory effects.
Turmeric has been shown to control the spread of some cancers and reduce the side-effects of some chemo drugs.
It is also a natural liver-detoxifier, as well as an acne treatment and analgesic.
4 Avocado This fruit is high in potassium, which lowers fluid retention and consequently, high blood pressure.
As well, it is a great source of vitamin E, which is necessary for healthy skin, and healthy monounsaturated fat, which helps to lower cholesterol.
5 Black and blue berries Blackberries, blueberries, and purple grapes-all these berries are high in flavanoid-rich phytochemical antioxidants, that help to combat the damage from free radicals and aging.
6 Water Do not down-play the necessity and usefulness of water in your diet.
While often overlooked, water helps us to flush toxins out of our bodies, as well as keep our skin hydrated and aid digestion.
Be sure to supplement your intake of pure water with water from fruit juices, soups and teas.
Along with wrinkles, loss of muscle tone and skin elasticity, we also experience a slowing-down in our system functions, and consequently, begin suffering from various ailments.
However, of late there has been a renewal of interest in natural remedies and natural foods that boost various organ systems in our bodies.
1 Hemp Seeds These are the seeds of the cannabis sativa plant.
Although a lot of controversy surrounds the cannabis plant, hemp seeds are a valuable nutritional supplement.
They contain a complete protein that is composed of 10 amino acids.
This protein, very similar to a human blood protein, is easily absorbed and metabolized by the human digestive system.
Hemp seeds contain more omega-3 than walnuts, as well omega-6, linoleic and alpha-linoleic acids.
They are also a great source of fiber and anti-oxidants.
These qualities help hemp seeds boost the immune system, aid in digestion and even regulate the cardiovascular system.
2 Garlic While it may cause 'garlic breath', this is really the only negative thing you can say about garlic.
This humble plant has fantastic health-boosting properties.
It possesses anti-microbial activity, thus boosting the immune system.
It lowers cholesterol and blood sugar, inhibits breast and skin cancer, lowers high blood pressure, helps with digestive ailments such as diarrhea and has been used with great success to treat skin disorders like pimples and boils.
3 Turmeric First used in India, as a dye then a weight-loss and skin agent, turmeric is available world-wide in the form of a cooking agent and health supplement.
The curcumin in turmeric has been shown to have antiseptic properties, preventing infection.
As well, it has been used to help with treating arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory effects.
Turmeric has been shown to control the spread of some cancers and reduce the side-effects of some chemo drugs.
It is also a natural liver-detoxifier, as well as an acne treatment and analgesic.
4 Avocado This fruit is high in potassium, which lowers fluid retention and consequently, high blood pressure.
As well, it is a great source of vitamin E, which is necessary for healthy skin, and healthy monounsaturated fat, which helps to lower cholesterol.
5 Black and blue berries Blackberries, blueberries, and purple grapes-all these berries are high in flavanoid-rich phytochemical antioxidants, that help to combat the damage from free radicals and aging.
6 Water Do not down-play the necessity and usefulness of water in your diet.
While often overlooked, water helps us to flush toxins out of our bodies, as well as keep our skin hydrated and aid digestion.
Be sure to supplement your intake of pure water with water from fruit juices, soups and teas.