Business & Finance Wealth Building

How to Make $5000 Every Hour - Increase Your Cash Flow

How to make $5000 an Hour.
Sound Crazy? Well its not really.
It all depends on your cash flow, the amount of money, from revenue, commission and profits you keep from operating a business.
Now I know that I prefer it being my cash flow, and not someone else's.
Cash flow is the life blood of your business and personal finances, and determines whether your business or your personal bank account, will live or die.
Businesses and individuals that are abundant in readily available cash flow are the ones that seem to more times than not succeed in troubled economic times, as well as prosper in flourishing economic times.
When you start a home business enterprise, a key priority you will need to focus much of your effort besides advertising your business in order to be successful is to generate an ever flowing supply of cash.
The fact is, cash flow is the one element that controls every other aspect of your business.
It allows you to breathe, and the lack of it will suffocate your business or bank account, until it dies.
Cash flow allows you to make rational decisions based on intuitive business practices, not decisions based on how afraid you are about managing finances.
It helps you build good credit with lenders and suppliers, and allows you the ability to continue to purchase marketing and advertising for your business.
Advertising and the resources needed to keep your business actively promoting and producing sales that will generate cash flow and profit.
Ample cash flow means that your bills will continue to be paid on time, payroll will be met if you employ anyone besides yourself, and their will be an diminishing level of stress in our life that is a direct result of the successful accomplishments you experience in your business.
Increasing your cash flow each day that you are involved in a home based business or any business enterprise is critical towards continually producing results so important in order to, not only stay in business, but to also thrive.
How then can you guarantee a steady flow of cash flow, and continual growth of cash flow over time.
Get involved with a company that has an optimal compensation plan that will produce a huge cash flow with each sale.
Well that seems to be easier said than done, Right? Wrong, more often than not, home based business entrepreneurs just staring out jump on a business that says its going to pay well but all to often the necessary amount of business volume needed to generate the returns touted is greater than most people can produce.
Far to often people become involved in a business and need to move massive amount of product or offer a ton of service in order to generate the big dollar returns.
Selling or marketing a product or service that cost the consumer $20, $30, $40 or more is not going to pay you commissions or profits that a product or service costing $1000, $5000, $10,000 or more can generate.
Yes, the argument is always going to be that those higher ticket items are not going to sell as often.
I say that's not true, if the product enhances a consumers life and adds value, you can find consumers for it and it can be sold, resulting in higher cash flow.
Look for a product or service that does not need thousands of customers to profit and needs to remain open long hours every day with you at the helm.
When I worked as a restaurant manager, I needed to keep my doors open for 16 hours every day 7 days a week, and cater to individuals that would spend $10 to $20 at a pop, in order to generate thousands of dollars in sales every week.
I staffed the restaurants with hundreds of employees, and needed these huge buildings to conduct business, business with a ton of overhead.
This was exhaustive, year after yea.
It makes more since now to sell a product or service that does not need a huge number of customers to generate tens of thousands of dollars in sales.
The return on marketing, advertising is greater resulting in the reduction in overhead, the elimination of the need for employees, resulting in the increase in the amount of cash flow for your business to flourish.
Put automated systems in place.
With today's technology there are systems that you can access that will essentially, once set up, run your business 24/7 even while you sleep, follow up with your prospective customers and make sales for you over and over, without you necessarily needing to "man the cash register", so to speak.
Accessing these systems, plugging your product and service into them will keep your business active even if you are on vacation, or simply taking the day off.
You don't need to be right there holding your customers hand to make the sale every time.
Most people working from home simply need to have access to the Internet and a computer, put together their marketing and advertising and set up their auto-responding system and let the system go to work.
Voila, as sales come in, cash flow goes up! Make sure you get paid first.
There, I said it.
This is key for cash flow.
Without actually getting paid for what you sell, there is no sense being in business and there will not be any cash flow.
With today's technology, you can integrate payment systems, like PayPal, Alertpay, MoneyPak, Credit/debit card transactions, right onto a website, and be paid almost instantly for product and services, without waiting for a check to come from a parent company, or filter down from the home office.
Getting paid instantly for product or services is the new standard in the electronic age.
No waiting for your money.
This increases your cash flow.
By finding compatible businesses to enter into joint venture partnerships with you, that allow you to be paid instantly, you will simultaneously make more money while also spending less.
That's a win-win.
Reduce overhead: By working at home or starting a home based business, you will experience a reduction in business expenses and overhead costs and be able to operate more lean and efficient than most big corporations.
No need for an office or building.
No need to payout rent or lease, No need for high insurance premiums, and by reviewing your insurance policies, phone plans, and health care plans, especially if you have not done so recently, you will find additional savings to aid in increasing cash flow.
Finding more cost effective ways of operating your business will reduce fat, here and there, and can really increase the amount of cash flow, as well as profit dollars for your business, increasing ready capital.
Offer a digital product or service.
Getting rid of the old adage of stocking hardware, product supplies or inventory that sits on shelves awaiting sale, or used to manufacture or build something that ties up valuable cash reserves will be huge in the impact of increasing cash flow.
In the technology/information age, a digital product is easily created, easily distributed and you can generate profit from it almost instantly.
The sale from a digital product or service is one way to make quick cash, by ridding your business of the need for hard inventory that does not sell without you actually handling it, packaging it, and shipping it somewhere else at some expense to cash flow..
It also frees up valuable liquid cash assets for use other ways.
Use the 80/20 rule.
The 80/20 Rule states that 80% of your profit comes from 20% of your prospect and customer base product purchases.
(or in the case of a service business, efforts).
The 20% of your customer base that actually buy's what your selling, will become your focus group that will be repeat customers, for other products or services you may offer in the future.
If you only need a few customers to generate a significant income and cash flow, why get involved in a business or opportunity at home where you need to find thousands of prospects to buy from you in order to generate the same amount of cash flow.
Crunch some numbers and figure out which of your efforts or products are the most productive, and profitable, and then focus all of your marketing and advertising efforts on those.
by doing so, you will see that sales will continually sky-rocket over time, resulting in that ever elusive earning goal of $5000 an hour!
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