Business & Finance Corporations

How To Tell If You Are Throwing Your Advertising Dollars Down The Drain?

Advertising these days have come a long way compared to just a few years ago.
Back in the day, Billboards, Print Media and TV were some of the main types of advertising.
Now with the Internet Age, things of come a long way where some businesses ONLY advertise on the Internet! In the past, if you advertised on media forms such as Billboards, Print Media, TV, flyers...
you would pay up front for the service, and have NO guarantee of increasing your profits.
And formats such as TV, Radio, News Papers/Magazines can cost tens to thousands of dollars a WEEK! Worst of all, until you try it, and sometimes you have to try it for a few months, only then do you see what the real result is! Small Local Businesses typically use more economical formats, such as Direct Mail, Door Hangers/Flyers.
Yet, the cost has to be paid up front, and only after the campaign do you see if you can make a profit off it or not.
NOT a great model to try different forms of advertising when you are a new business, and do not know what works the best.
Sometimes, just breaking EVEN is a challenge! Then came the Internet! It started off with just websites.
Then came banner adds where you paid for the banner.
As technology improved, we have now got to the point where you can advertise on Online, and use a system where you ONLY pay for a certain result! There is Pay Per Click, Cost Per Action, Cost Per Lead, and more where you only pay for a desired result.
Completely different form of advertising such as TV or Bill Boards, where you pay up front, whether your make a profit, or even if anyone sees it! As technology quickly improves on Online with this new age of advertising, soon we will be getting to the point, where you only pay for advertising, when YOU make a profit.
What's the point in paying for Advertising if you are not making a profit from it? There may come a time very soon, where the old style of advertising will not be as effective.
And to think, if this is the case, advertising on the older forms will become cheaper and cheaper, as they will provide a lower and lower Return on Investment.
Could we soon see a day where Bill Boards only cost $100 a month, or TV adds run a dollar a second?
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