Have you ever noticed that people who have let's say hearing disabilities seem to have their other senses more keen or can do something else better than others? One thing I have always found dealing with people of let's say a disability is that they are generally able to make up for it somewhere else.
For instance if someone's eyesight is gone they have great space unused in their visual area which takes up let's say 55% of the brain's over all bandwidth, thus this extra capacity is now available for something else? Now then let's talk about Autism, which I do not believe Autism is a disability or even a disease really, as it seems that those with Autism have their brains wired just a little different than the rest of us and so their minds work different? Well, then if these children do not do some things well at younger ages, what do they do well? You see what I mean? What can they do that the rest of society cannot do? The reason I bring this up is that when talking to parents of Autistic Children it appears to me that their biggest complaint is in the public school system where their children are treated stupid or as if they are dumb.
We as a society should not buy into this line of logic or allow our opinions of Autistic Children or Citizens to be jaded by this and we need to understand that wherever there is a negative there is always a positive, as really that is the natural order of things.
And thus dismissing members of our society too easily we all lose in the end.
Consider this in 2006.
For instance if someone's eyesight is gone they have great space unused in their visual area which takes up let's say 55% of the brain's over all bandwidth, thus this extra capacity is now available for something else? Now then let's talk about Autism, which I do not believe Autism is a disability or even a disease really, as it seems that those with Autism have their brains wired just a little different than the rest of us and so their minds work different? Well, then if these children do not do some things well at younger ages, what do they do well? You see what I mean? What can they do that the rest of society cannot do? The reason I bring this up is that when talking to parents of Autistic Children it appears to me that their biggest complaint is in the public school system where their children are treated stupid or as if they are dumb.
We as a society should not buy into this line of logic or allow our opinions of Autistic Children or Citizens to be jaded by this and we need to understand that wherever there is a negative there is always a positive, as really that is the natural order of things.
And thus dismissing members of our society too easily we all lose in the end.
Consider this in 2006.