- 1). Remove existing grass and weeds in the planting area.
- 2). Dig up the soil with a shovel, to a depth of 8 inches. Rake the area smooth of hills or depressions.
- 3). Water the area to be solarized until it is saturated.
- 4). Cover the area with plastic. The plastic must be tight against the ground. Use bricks or large, heavy rocks around the edges to hold the plastic in place and keep out air. Allow the plastic to remain in place for four weeks. The soil temperature should remain at 114 degrees Fahrenheit for at least four weeks, so if the weather is cool, allow the plastic to remain for an additional two to four weeks.
- 5). Remove the plastic and allow the soil to dry.
- 6). Add a 2-inch layer of compost to the soil. Mix the compost into the top 2 inches of soil. This will help replace any beneficial organisms that were killed off during solarization. To avoid exposing weed seeds, do not dig deeper than 2 inches