Diabetes type 2 is an increasingly common problem in Western Societies.
So much so, that it is estimated that 1 in 4 people in adulthood will have diabetes or prediabetes.
This is a huge proportion of people.
Yet it's a problem that can be modified or reversed altogether with lifestyle changes.
Even if it can't be completely reversed, lifestyle changes can make a significant improvement and will compliment medications well.
But the fact that prediabetes and type 2 diabetes (non insulin dependent diabetes) can sometimes be reversed has spurred many people to make healthy lifestyle changes and avoid the need for medications, and the health problems associated with these conditions being out of control.
So let's have a look at the top tips for lifestyle changes to help with the treatment of diabetes type 2.
Here they are: 1.
Having low GI instead of high GI foods.
This is helpful for preventing as well as treating type 2 diabetes.
There are studies now showing that consumption of a high GI drink (the study looked at soft drinks in particular) everyday increases the likelihod of developing diabetes.
In terms of treatment, low GI foods don't spike the blood glucose levels as much as high GI foods, For example, take leafy green vegetables instead of potatoes, have sourdough or multigrain bread instead of white bread, and have whole fruits instead of fruit juices.
Have lean sources of protein, not sources of protein that contain high fat.
Learn protein sources include natural yogurt, chicken (skin off), fish, tofu, and eggs.
Lean proteins are great as they give you the protein requirements without excess fat, and they also lower the GI values of foods as they slow absorption of carbs.
Regular aerobic exercise such as walking.
Before starting to exercise, check with your doctor in case you need to do tests to ensure that you're safe to exercise.
Exercise helps to reduces blood sugar levels, inmproves sensitivity to insulin (so helps the cause of type 2 diabetes), reduces cholesterol levels, decreases blood pressure, and reduces stress.
In fact some studies show that exercise was as good or better than medications in treating prediabetes.
Weight loss.
By doing the above, you will achieve weight loss in a healthy way.
One more handy tip.
Rememebr to avoid having one or two big meals a day.
Many people do this to try to lose weight but it does the opposite.
It slows your metabolism greatly and will stop you from losing weight.
Instead, have 3-5 small meals a day.
This will maintain an even blood sugar, as well as keeping your metabolism high, both very important when you want to lose weight and reverse diabetes type 2.
So there you have it.
Thes tips will help you with both weight control as well as treating diabetes naturally.
Because your blood glucose levels will be more even, you'll feel better mentally as well.
An added bonus so many people don't realise until they experience it, and never want to go back! So enjoy these tips and if you know of anyone else with diabetes and will benefit from these tips, why not let them know about this article?
So much so, that it is estimated that 1 in 4 people in adulthood will have diabetes or prediabetes.
This is a huge proportion of people.
Yet it's a problem that can be modified or reversed altogether with lifestyle changes.
Even if it can't be completely reversed, lifestyle changes can make a significant improvement and will compliment medications well.
But the fact that prediabetes and type 2 diabetes (non insulin dependent diabetes) can sometimes be reversed has spurred many people to make healthy lifestyle changes and avoid the need for medications, and the health problems associated with these conditions being out of control.
So let's have a look at the top tips for lifestyle changes to help with the treatment of diabetes type 2.
Here they are: 1.
Having low GI instead of high GI foods.
This is helpful for preventing as well as treating type 2 diabetes.
There are studies now showing that consumption of a high GI drink (the study looked at soft drinks in particular) everyday increases the likelihod of developing diabetes.
In terms of treatment, low GI foods don't spike the blood glucose levels as much as high GI foods, For example, take leafy green vegetables instead of potatoes, have sourdough or multigrain bread instead of white bread, and have whole fruits instead of fruit juices.
Have lean sources of protein, not sources of protein that contain high fat.
Learn protein sources include natural yogurt, chicken (skin off), fish, tofu, and eggs.
Lean proteins are great as they give you the protein requirements without excess fat, and they also lower the GI values of foods as they slow absorption of carbs.
Regular aerobic exercise such as walking.
Before starting to exercise, check with your doctor in case you need to do tests to ensure that you're safe to exercise.
Exercise helps to reduces blood sugar levels, inmproves sensitivity to insulin (so helps the cause of type 2 diabetes), reduces cholesterol levels, decreases blood pressure, and reduces stress.
In fact some studies show that exercise was as good or better than medications in treating prediabetes.
Weight loss.
By doing the above, you will achieve weight loss in a healthy way.
One more handy tip.
Rememebr to avoid having one or two big meals a day.
Many people do this to try to lose weight but it does the opposite.
It slows your metabolism greatly and will stop you from losing weight.
Instead, have 3-5 small meals a day.
This will maintain an even blood sugar, as well as keeping your metabolism high, both very important when you want to lose weight and reverse diabetes type 2.
So there you have it.
Thes tips will help you with both weight control as well as treating diabetes naturally.
Because your blood glucose levels will be more even, you'll feel better mentally as well.
An added bonus so many people don't realise until they experience it, and never want to go back! So enjoy these tips and if you know of anyone else with diabetes and will benefit from these tips, why not let them know about this article?