- 1). Combine four packages of Berry Blue Jell-O and one package of Lemon Jell-O with 4 cups boiling water. This is one less cup of water than the directions call for. The resulting Jell-O will be firmer and hold its shape better. Stir until the Jell-O dissolves.
- 2). Put in 4 cups of crushed ice. Stir until the ice is dissolved. Fill the bowl to the top with additional ice water if necessary. Stir.
- 3). Put in the refrigerator until the Jell-O is nearly set, about an hour or so. Exactly how long depends on the temperature of your refrigerator.
- 4). Push the Swedish fish candy into the Jell-O upside down at different heights. Use a skewer to push them down through the Jell-O. Keep in mind, the top of the bowl will become the bottom of the aquarium.
- 5). Drain the crushed pineapple and place on top of the Jell-O pushing it down into the Jell-O just enough so it's firmly in place. The pineapple becomes the gravel at the bottom of the aquarium.
- 6). Put the Jell-O back into the refrigerator to completely set. Right before serving, dip the bowl quickly into hot water. Slip a butter knife around the edges of the Jell-O to loosen the sides. Put a plate on top and invert the bowl. The Jell-O should slide out on top of the plate.
- 7). Frost the very top of the aquarium -- it was the bottom of the bowl -- with whipped cream to resemble waves. Use the spatula to spread the cream.