Family & Relationships Gay Lesbian & Bisexual & Transgender

Chris Comes Out and Meets the Love of her Life

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She was so strong, and athletic, very different from me. I being the ultra femme her being butch, two very different women, yet so much alike. I noticed everything. She smelled incredible, she was so calm, and charming, and I felt so at ease. We eventually made it back to our room, where she just wanted to spend time with me, talking. Again, smart lady. She let me initiate everything. It was my idea to move over to the bed.

Now have I mentioned I have ?Body Issues?, as most women do? Yes, and then there?s the fact I?m NOT where I told my children I was, but am alone in a hotel room with another woman. The guilt, the fear, the fact that I would have to be naked in the light, terrified me. She sensed this and decided to let me have the room, while she went into the bathroom. I undressed in 30 seconds, flew into the bed where for the next 10 minutes I tried to position myself in 40 different ?Sexy Looks.? I opted for the ?Mummified Look?, wrapped up in all the sheets and blanket. All she could see was my face. Okay, moment of truth, the door opened, I was so scared I could barely breath. What? She had every stitch of clothing on. Ahhhh, suddenly feeling VERY overdressed. She knew by the look on my face, I was very confused. Again, she?s so smart. She had decided in the bathroom, not to take her clothes off, as it would have intimidated me. Rather, she wanted my first time, to be about me. It totally took all the pressure I put on myself, off.

She Amazed Me

She amazed me. Her kisses were the most tender, her touch was like silk against my skin. She always made eye contact with me and spoke my name in soft tones. I?d never experienced such intense, yet sweet lovemaking all at the same time. I was completely undone, by her love for me. She took the lead, and loved me the way I had always needed to be loved. It was the most natural experience of my life. That moment, that day, will forever be etched our hearts.
She and I have come a long way. We?ve each taken trips to each other?s states. We are closer than I ever thought we could be. We are constantly amazed how we can grow deeper and deeper in love with each other and feel so connected, yet be 1400 miles apart. Our plan is after my daughter graduates, is to move to a bigger city, about two hours away. That way my youngest can still see her father on weekends. My other child will be going away to college and on her own. I?ve since told my oldest son, who was very accepting. Telling my father was a bit harder, but in the end, just like most loving parents, we just want to see our children in loving healthy relationships. My mother and sister have also been supportive.

Most of my closest friends know and have met her. She recently met my father and will soon meet my son. It?s a whole new world for me. I still have questions, as I have much to learn about the lesbian community. So many differences and yet some things are the very same as the hetero world. I just rest in the knowledge we will go through it together. I?ve never felt so safe, so very loved or so very connected to anyone in my life. I can?t imagine ever being with a man again. For me, the connection just doesn?t even come close. I have found my soul mate. I am, undone, by her love; I?m finally at peace within my own heart.
Chris from NC
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