Health & Medical Heart Diseases

5 Ways to Lower Your Triglycerides Naturally

What are they and why would you want to lower your triglycerides naturally? All good questions.
Everyone knows about cholesterol.
There's good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL) and everyone knows that your doctor will tell you to lower your cholesterol when it gets too high because it's a risk factor for heart attacks.
But what are triglycerides and why would you want to lower them? Cholesterol is a form of fat that is found in your blood, and triglycerides are the same.
A form of fat found in your blood.
And like cholesterol they are a risk factor for heart disease and heart related health problems.
You need to pay attention to your levels, and you do that by going to your doctor for a checkup from time to time.
I do that yearly.
But once you've been told you've got high triglycerides the obvious question is how to lower your triglycerides.
Because if you don't you're more at risk of heart disease, and death from heart related problems.
And there are always many people looking for a natural solution that doesn't involve drugs.
Of course there are drugs that you can take to combat the problem, but many prefer that as a last solution, and prefer to try a natural alternative first.
So lets see firstly what they are, and what creates them.
Triglycerides are a form of fat found in your blood and through your body.
They are stored in fat tissue and are carried by the blood, and having a level that is too high can indicate potential health problems that include heart disease, but also an increased risk of diabetes, kidney disease and thyroid disease.
And they can contribute to other health problems related to high cholesterol too.
The problem is caused by diet and lifestyle factors like eating foods too high in fat, particularly saturated fats, eating excess sugar, being overweight and drinking too much alcohol.
So as you can see high triglycerides are a serious risk factor to your health.
But the good news for those wanting to know how to lower your triglycerides naturally is that they can respond very well to several natural solutions.
The first is to start using daily Omega 3 supplements.
Fish oil is a prime source of Omega 3 fats, and it is now well established that Omega 3 fats are extremely good for your heart health generally as well as for lowering triglycerides in particular.
Of course you could just eat more fish, but because fish is generally contaminated with nasty toxins the FDA recommends that we don't eat too much fish.
The best fish oil capsules aren't contaminated and you can safely take your fish oil daily.
Note that not all fish oil capsules are the same, it's extremely important to select the best capsules, which as it turns out are also quite cost competitive with some of the less effective capsules.
The other natural ways to lower your triglycerides are simple, though not necessarily easy.
It's important to lose weight and change your diet to include more fresh fruit and vegetables and to reduce your intake of alcohol.
Reduce intake of fats, especially saturated fat, and sugar.
Replace red meat with fish one or 2 days a week.
Oh and add more exercise to your day.
Exercise helps enormously.
Here's the list.
Start taking daily Omega 3 supplements.
Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.
Eat less sugar.
Eat less saturated fat and fatty foods generally.
Exercise more.
So if you're wondering how to lower your triglycerides naturally that's how to do it.
No drugs.
Start taking your fish oil capsules, as long as you choose good ones, start making some sensible lifestyle changes and you're on your way to better health.
All of these things will help improve your health generally as well as help lower your triglycerides.
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