Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

7 Awesome Tips - The Best Relationship Advice Yet

It would be terrible to give you relationship advice that makes you believe that there is such a thing as a relationship where everything always goes perfectly. Let's face it, when we're starting out with a new person they seem to do everything right.

Nothing they do seems to ruffle our feathers and we wonder how we ever got so lucky finding someone so 'perfect.' Soon after chemistry starts to fade or wear off and regular day to day life starts to creep in we are suddenly aware of their every fault. What happened to this once perfect relationship?

Relationship Advice #1: Expect ups and downs
Our first relationship advice is that the first thing you need to remember is that ups and downs in any relationship are not only completely natural they are to be expected. This has nothing to do with focusing and honing in on expecting the relationship to fail, it has everything to do with being prepared to face reality.

Relationship Advice #2: It's not always about you
Don't expect all relationship challenges to be related to you or something you do. Remember that the best relationship advice sometimes can't help you when you experience life's natural ups and downs. It's completely natural not to be on the same page from time to time. Sometimes one partner may be struggling with an issue that stresses them, such as the death of a close family member or the loss of a pet. Other events, like job loss or severe health problems, can affect both partners and make it difficult to relate to each other. You might have different ideas of managing finances or raising children. Different people cope with stress differently, and misunderstanding can rapidly turn to frustration and anger.

Relationship Advice #3: Dont take out your problems on your partner.
Various stresses life puts on us can make any of us short tempered from time to time. Instead of snapping or exploding at your partner, see if you can find another outlet to let go of your pent up stress or anger. Perhaps a coach, therapist, or a good friend. Even a good cry can work wonders. Anything is better than releasing your anger by means of a fight, which only serves to slowly poison your relationship over time.

Relationship Advice #4: Remember that your partner is on your team.
Sometimes we just want to vent and spew our anger and frustration at the people closest to us - at the expense of trust and intimacy. Don't fall victim to lashing out at your partner. Instead, remember that your partner is part of the unit, on your team, and he or she is not the enemy. If you can continue working on challenges together as the partners you are, your relationship may actually grow even closer together over time.

Relationship Advice #5: Remain open to change.
Change is the only constant in all of our lives. The sooner we can accept this the sooner our lives will become a whole lot smoother. This means that your relationship is always changing too. Flexibility is essential to adapt to the change that is always taking place in any relationship, and it allows you to grow together through both the good times and the bad.

Relationship Advice #6: Dont ignore problems.
It's easy to avoid challenges, especially the little ones. However, if you want to grow as a couple then it's important to face problems together as a team as soon as they come up. Sometimes things worked in the past but they no longer work for one or both partners. Instead of ignoring these things, address them and be authentic about what works and doesn't work anymore.

Relationship Advice #7: Romantic relationships require ongoing nourishment.
Couples often do more nurturing of each other and the relationship at the beginning of their romance. It's important to remember that the team always needs nourishment from both partners on an ongoing basis. Just like we cannot give water to a plant one time and then hope that it will make it through the year, relationships need to be tended to as well. Let your romance continue to flourish, especially once monotony and the reduced impact of chemistry starts to set in.
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