- 1). Visit your unit's medical staff and request to see the physician on duty. You will need to submit to a physical examination to determine the extent of your condition so the physician can profile you correctly and in accordance with military regulations as stated in the AR 40-501.
- 2). Ask for a profile from the attending physician. The physician may issue a temporary profile for your condition, or in some cases may write up a permanent profile. A temporary profile means you are under the care of a doctor for a medical or surgical condition with an assumption you will recover. A permanent profile indicates that a full recovery is not likely. While under a temporary profile, you will have to return to the doctor every three months for evaluation. The profile will detail all restrictions as directed by the doctor for your condition.
- 3). Show your profile to your immediate supervisor at your unit. Your immediate supervisor will need to bring the profile to your company commander. Your company commander is responsible for assigning duties you can perform within the constraints of the profile.
- 4). Carry a copy of your profile with your at all times. If you receive a request to perform a duty prohibited by the profile, you will need to produce the profile to demonstrate authorization to deny the request. The profile is a military directive, issued by an officer and anyone violating the profile may face corrective action. You should not violate the profile by engaging in activities it prohibits.