Health & Medical Nutrition

Resveratrol Can Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

Grape seed extract was discovered to hold nutritional constituents that are helpful in fighting and minimizing the risks of cancer.
Studies have shown that exposure to grape seed extract can kill cancer cells.
Grape seed extract has taken the limelight in bringing in significant health benefits, but that was until another helpful grape-based nutrient was discovered to be the more powerful defense against cancer.
Resveratrol is actually a constituent of the grape seed extract.
However, in the past, cancer-fighting attribute that grapes hold is collectively termed as grape seed extract.
What keeps resveratrol on the headlines of many health journals is that recent studies claim that resveratrol can reduce your risk of cancer more effectively than any other nutrients found in food.
While the substance was found to be naturally produced by the plant as their first line of defense against the onslaught of pathogens such as disease-causing fungi and bacteria, it was also discovered to bring in chemo protective benefits to the body with sufficient daily intake.
To this age when people are looking for all types of agents that can regulate the development of cancer cells or stop the progress of cancer, the discovery of resveratrol as well as its cancer-fighting benefits can bring just the kind of miracle that people need to fight the world's number one cause of death-cancer.
Resveratrol is typically located in the skin of red and purple grapes.
While it is also found to be present in other plant sources such as eucalyptus, spruce, and lily, and in other foods such as mulberries and peanuts, high levels of resveratrol was discovered in red wine.
Its benefits were discovered to be helpful in the actual initiation, promotion and progression of certain cancer conditions.
In the stages of the development of tumor, it acts as a powerful antioxidant that inhibits the formation of free radicals, which is known to promote tumor activity.
It fights the enzyme that naturally converts arachidonic acid into its pro-inflammatory form and stimulates tumor growth.
In cases of leukemia, the metabolized resveratrol induces the process of promyelocytic leukemia cell differentiation and provides the inhibited ribonucleotide reductase enzyme which is important in the DNA synthesis of proliferating cells.
Another great thing about this nutrient is that its anti-cancer potentials have minimal toxic effects to blood-forming cells.
Resveratrol is most abundant in the variety of grapes, particularly those that are used in making red wine.
It is found in the vines, roots, seeds, stalk and fruit particularly on the skin.
Its composition tells that it is actually a form of phytoalexin, a class of antibiotic compounds that is produced to safeguard the plant against diseases.
While resveratrol has its natural sources, optimum intake of the nutrient was observed among French people or people in cultures who are fond of complementing meals by drinking red wine.
While the grape seed extract or the red wine are excellent sources of resveratrol, grape juice is not.
Most of the resveratrol in grapes is typically produced out of fermentation.
Resveratrol is a positive proof that sometimes the things that we fancy may really do us good.
Eating grapes or drinking red wine can actually deliver some great health benefits.
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