Most people of adult age have probably suffered the indignity of having to cope with Hemorrhoids, otherwise known as Piles.
As anyone who has suffered from piles knows, these can be very uncomfortable and painful.
What exactly are Hemorrhoids? In a medical sense they are enlarged or swollen veins.
They are somewhat similar to varicose veins that develop in the legs, except that these are veins located in the anus.
These veins cushion and protect the anal canal.
Problems arise when these veins are stretched and tear under pressure, resulting in the familiar discomfort and pain experienced with hemorrhoids.
One may experience hemorroids as either internal or external.
Internal hemorrhoids are located higher up in the anus and normally manifest themselves as stools covered in blood or blood on the toilet paper.
Sometimes the hemorrhoids will protrude from the anal canal, in which case they should just be pushed back inside.
External hemorrhoids, on the other hand, exist as hard lumps that can be felt by hand and are extremely painful compared to internal hemorrhoids.
These may also cause bleeding which will be seen on the toilet paper or in the toilet bowl.
Causes of Piles Constipation tends to be the main cause of Piles.
The straining of bowel movement during prolonged siting on the toilet puts pressure on the blood vessel in the anal canal, causing swelling and irritation and eventual rupture of the blood vessels.
Hemorrhoids are also very common during pregnancy, due to the strain from carrying the excess weight of the baby.
Diarrhea is also known to put extra pressure on the rectal blood vessels, therefore can lead to hemorrhoids.
Prolonged periods of either standing or sitting can also aggravate hemorrhoids and should be avoided.
Treatments and Cures A number of natural remedies are available for the treatment piles.
Firstly, appropriate creams are normally used to get rid of existing hemorrhoids and relieve the acute pain associated with them.
In extreme cases they can be removed by surgery.
Longer term, as constipation is the main cause piles, it goes without saying that avoiding constipation reduces the likely hood of them forming.
The cause of constipation is normally the result of insufficient fiber in the diet.
Examples of foods that are high in fibre include bran cereals, corn, wheat, rice, oats, nuts and beans.
Fresh fruits and vegetable are also a good source of fiber.
In addition to the above changes in diet, it is essential to bring about simple lifestyle changes to reduce the tendency for the formation of piles.
This includes staying fit with regular exercise, like walking, which will ensure one's stools remain soft thus reducing the risk of constipation.
As anyone who has suffered from piles knows, these can be very uncomfortable and painful.
What exactly are Hemorrhoids? In a medical sense they are enlarged or swollen veins.
They are somewhat similar to varicose veins that develop in the legs, except that these are veins located in the anus.
These veins cushion and protect the anal canal.
Problems arise when these veins are stretched and tear under pressure, resulting in the familiar discomfort and pain experienced with hemorrhoids.
One may experience hemorroids as either internal or external.
Internal hemorrhoids are located higher up in the anus and normally manifest themselves as stools covered in blood or blood on the toilet paper.
Sometimes the hemorrhoids will protrude from the anal canal, in which case they should just be pushed back inside.
External hemorrhoids, on the other hand, exist as hard lumps that can be felt by hand and are extremely painful compared to internal hemorrhoids.
These may also cause bleeding which will be seen on the toilet paper or in the toilet bowl.
Causes of Piles Constipation tends to be the main cause of Piles.
The straining of bowel movement during prolonged siting on the toilet puts pressure on the blood vessel in the anal canal, causing swelling and irritation and eventual rupture of the blood vessels.
Hemorrhoids are also very common during pregnancy, due to the strain from carrying the excess weight of the baby.
Diarrhea is also known to put extra pressure on the rectal blood vessels, therefore can lead to hemorrhoids.
Prolonged periods of either standing or sitting can also aggravate hemorrhoids and should be avoided.
Treatments and Cures A number of natural remedies are available for the treatment piles.
Firstly, appropriate creams are normally used to get rid of existing hemorrhoids and relieve the acute pain associated with them.
In extreme cases they can be removed by surgery.
Longer term, as constipation is the main cause piles, it goes without saying that avoiding constipation reduces the likely hood of them forming.
The cause of constipation is normally the result of insufficient fiber in the diet.
Examples of foods that are high in fibre include bran cereals, corn, wheat, rice, oats, nuts and beans.
Fresh fruits and vegetable are also a good source of fiber.
In addition to the above changes in diet, it is essential to bring about simple lifestyle changes to reduce the tendency for the formation of piles.
This includes staying fit with regular exercise, like walking, which will ensure one's stools remain soft thus reducing the risk of constipation.