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The Habitat of Alstroemeria Flowers


    • The long-living alstroemeria can grow to a height of 4 feet. It bears leaves from February to August. Flower buds bloom in late spring or early summer. Flowers usually include three striped petals with three sepals of similar color. Petal colors include white, yellow, pink, red, rose, purple or salmon. In August, the seeds ripen.

    Native Habitat

    • Native habitat for the alstroemeria includes dry scrub in rocky, sandy soil. It can thrive in humid areas with constant precipitation and tolerate dry periods for a few weeks. This half-hardy perennial also tolerates snow cover for weeks.

      Approximately 30 species grow in South America’s grasslands and pampas. In the cool regions of the Andes Mountains in Chile, this genus grows at a medium altitude up to the tree line. Alstroemeria also occupies low altitudes in interior valleys. In Chile, these plants grow in winter. In northern Brazil, these plants grow in summer. Alstroemeria has naturalized in the United States, Europe and Australia.

    Growing Conditions

    • Hardy to USDA plant hardiness zone 8, alstroemeria tolerates a low temperature of 18 degrees Fahrenheit. It grows well in Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Missouri. The plant prefers relatively poor soil that is light sandy or medium loamy with good drainage. Soil can include acid, neutral and alkaline pH balance. For preparing soils in gardens, ensure aeration of the soil before planting.

      Because the alstroemeria Incas tends to be invasive, cultivate the plant in a garden bed. Planting depth can be 8 inches with some organic fertilizer added to the hole. Add a few inches of organic compost, but avoid depositing over the plants. Allow spacing between seedling roots of about 12 inches. Light exposure should include full morning sun, with some protection that filters approximately 20 to 40 percent of light. Germination times range from two weeks to a year.

      According to the Floridata website, the alstroemeria experiences a dormant period with a soil temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The spreading underground stems—or rhizomes—need winter chilling. During winter, these plants require staking and feeding.

    Alstroemeria in Australia

    • What started as a naturalized plant in Australia developed into an invasive species in the natural areas of western Australia. If flowers remain after blooming, the plant vigorously self-seeds. Deadheading will reduce but not eradicate the plant.


    • The Alstroemeria can resist drought and offer long-lasting cut flowers. Its sweet nectar attracts hummingbirds.

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