- 1). Start a saved game and travel to Nob Hill. You can find Nob Hill on the top of your map across the river and at the far north end of Stillwater. The area is highlighted as yellow.
- 2). Go to the High End Retail District of Nob Hill. Locate this section on your map by starting on the eastern side of Nob Hill. The Retail District is located in the center of the map and just to the east. The area resembles a sideways jug on the map.
- 3). Head to the mall in the northern end of the High End Retail District and go to "Let's Pretend." The store specializes in eccentric clothing.
- 4). Enter the store and speak with the attendant. You can then select between different items.
- 5). Choose to browse "Upper Body" items and then select the "Flasher Coat." Confirm the purchase and you will buy the trench coat for 300 dollars. It will be added to your inventory to wear at any time.