Health & Medical Women's Health

Building Muscle for Females Without Bulking

Typically, women tend to prefer the sexy and toned look for their body, as opposed to an extra muscular physique. This has something to do with the fact that women are hardly at the gym doing heavy weight lifting. Building muscles for women, without looking manly, is an issue purely because of the amount of misinformation in the market. Many women mistakenly believe that if they start lifting heavy weights like men do, they will end up looking like those men. This couldn't be further from the truth. The hormones that we each produce are different, so there is no likelihood that any woman is going to end up looking like a man.

Quit using the light weights!

To avoid any risk of bulking, some women stick with toning, and light lifting work.

This is not something that is recommended.

 Building muscle for women is critical in your endeavors to tighten your body through toning. A fear of bulking up is one of the things that puts many women off lifting heavier weights. So to put your mind at rest, as mentioned earlier, due to the differences between male and female hormones, there is no risk of this happening. In general terms, women will be stronger than before, without having built up huge amounts of muscle. Remember that even men have a tough time building muscle mass, and it is harder for women to achieve this, than it is for men.

A solid weight routine is recommended if your desire is to become firmer and tone up. If you want to start on light weights, that's cool, but remember to gradually increase the weight you are lifting as you get into your program. Muscles will only grow and gain in density if you are putting them under pressure. Another important thing to remember is to keep increasing the reps, and do more sets, so that you are always doing better today than you did yesterday.

Muscle Building for Women - Low Body Fat is So Important

Having low body fat is what is going to allow you to look toned when you have done all that exercise. As an example of this, imagine working your abs several days a week, and getting amazing results. Those results or six pack won't be visible until the layer of body fat on your stomach, has been burnt off. A good program of circuit training is what some people need to reduce their body fat levels, prior to commencing their muscle building program.

Building Muscle in Women Doesn't Mean Bulking

Lifting weights at the gym is not something you should be afraid of, and I hope this information has shown you that. Progressively pursue your chosen weight lifting program to build and tone your muscles. Make sure also, that your body fat levels are kept low so you can actually see and feel the full results of your exercise.
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