Any rational approach to parenting must include the ability to deal with child discipline abuse.
The subject at hand deals with a most divisive topic, one that has been argued academically as well as pontificated upon from every source expressed in human society.
The topic of corporal punishment incorporated as a fundamental principle in child raising has extremists on either side supporting rhetoric, quotes, statistics and, in many cases, malicious attacks resulting in greater bewilderment on the part of many parents.
Legal Abolition Prevents Child Abuse Somewhere at some point in the evolution of mankind, the use of corporal punishment was disallowed, at least, in public schools.
Historically, embracing the age-old adage that "spare the rod and spoil the child" has guided use of physical punishment as a necessary child-rearing tool since time out of mind.
Serious doubt leads any rational thought to discern the very first use of physical discipline was predicated upon the desire to help a child learn proper behavior.
More than likely it was the emotional reaction from a parent hitting out in frustration lacking any self-control.
Furthermore, when mankind began the domestication of wild animals, negative reinforcement proved the better route to accomplish behavior modification in an unreasoning animal.
This methodology carried over to discipline methods adopted toward changing child behavior since the argument no one can effectively reason with a child, particularly a very young one, was fairly universally embraced.
Allowance Led to Abuse Unfortunately, the legal abolition of physical punishment - spanking, caning, et al - was not proffered due to any obscure belief there was an easier alternative method.
Physical punishment in a school situation led numerous times to a vulnerable adult violent beyond control issuing a definitive "death blow" when hitting a child in the name of discipline.
And, of course, the same history of mankind reveals parental discipline taking the form of child abuse where for centuries such activity was either advocated or ignored resulting in all kinds of physical and psychological impacts.
Children are Not Chattels Rightly so, at some point in the same development of humankind, it became perfectly aware that a child is quite capable of thought and choice.
However, if a child commits behavior that is inappropriate but is not made aware of such, physical punishment will not help.
To be capable of changing behavior one seeks to learn how to discipline a defiant child.
Often defiance stems from being repeatedly subjected to actions a child neither understands or obviously does not like.
The physical discipline of a child where the sustained application of force from a larger, stronger person upon a smaller, unprotected one is activity bordering on prehistoric behavior.
Need for Abolition If left unchecked - non-legislated - it leads to many instances of child discipline abuse that results way too often in death if not physical disfigurement and psychological torment.
Yet, eventually all children should make suitable behavior decisions not based on fear of that proverbial paddle or rod.
Corporal punishment requires little intellectual effort and is nothing more than a stress relief for the issuer.
Children are not animals who respond correctly at the crack of a whip.
A child remains a reasoning human being looking to adults for guidance and support, not a good licking when performing poorly.
The subject at hand deals with a most divisive topic, one that has been argued academically as well as pontificated upon from every source expressed in human society.
The topic of corporal punishment incorporated as a fundamental principle in child raising has extremists on either side supporting rhetoric, quotes, statistics and, in many cases, malicious attacks resulting in greater bewilderment on the part of many parents.
Legal Abolition Prevents Child Abuse Somewhere at some point in the evolution of mankind, the use of corporal punishment was disallowed, at least, in public schools.
Historically, embracing the age-old adage that "spare the rod and spoil the child" has guided use of physical punishment as a necessary child-rearing tool since time out of mind.
Serious doubt leads any rational thought to discern the very first use of physical discipline was predicated upon the desire to help a child learn proper behavior.
More than likely it was the emotional reaction from a parent hitting out in frustration lacking any self-control.
Furthermore, when mankind began the domestication of wild animals, negative reinforcement proved the better route to accomplish behavior modification in an unreasoning animal.
This methodology carried over to discipline methods adopted toward changing child behavior since the argument no one can effectively reason with a child, particularly a very young one, was fairly universally embraced.
Allowance Led to Abuse Unfortunately, the legal abolition of physical punishment - spanking, caning, et al - was not proffered due to any obscure belief there was an easier alternative method.
Physical punishment in a school situation led numerous times to a vulnerable adult violent beyond control issuing a definitive "death blow" when hitting a child in the name of discipline.
And, of course, the same history of mankind reveals parental discipline taking the form of child abuse where for centuries such activity was either advocated or ignored resulting in all kinds of physical and psychological impacts.
Children are Not Chattels Rightly so, at some point in the same development of humankind, it became perfectly aware that a child is quite capable of thought and choice.
However, if a child commits behavior that is inappropriate but is not made aware of such, physical punishment will not help.
To be capable of changing behavior one seeks to learn how to discipline a defiant child.
Often defiance stems from being repeatedly subjected to actions a child neither understands or obviously does not like.
The physical discipline of a child where the sustained application of force from a larger, stronger person upon a smaller, unprotected one is activity bordering on prehistoric behavior.
Need for Abolition If left unchecked - non-legislated - it leads to many instances of child discipline abuse that results way too often in death if not physical disfigurement and psychological torment.
Yet, eventually all children should make suitable behavior decisions not based on fear of that proverbial paddle or rod.
Corporal punishment requires little intellectual effort and is nothing more than a stress relief for the issuer.
Children are not animals who respond correctly at the crack of a whip.
A child remains a reasoning human being looking to adults for guidance and support, not a good licking when performing poorly.