- The original food of the aborigines of Australia is known as bush tucker. While this encompasses a lot of food types, this includes lemon myrtle, native spinach, bush tomatoes and wattle seed.
- The early Australian settlers brought with them the cuisine of their homeland. Australian cuisine was originally based on the foods and flavors of Britain and Ireland.
- Australians enjoy various types of game that are found in Australia. This includes crocodile and emu, but it also includes wallaby and kangaroo.
- The government also lists macadamia nuts as an important part of indigenous Australian foods. The macadamia nut is listed as "the only highly-commercialized Australian native food crop".
- The Australian wine industry is large and constantly growing, making it an important part of the overall food and drink experience of the country. According to the government, Australia started to grow grapes for wine in 1791.
Bush Tuker
History of Food
Meat Types
Fun Fact
History of Wine