- Baskets make versatile containers for packaging baby-shower gifts, especially those that are odd-shaped and difficult to wrap. You can choose a basket that fits the theme of your gift. For instance, a laundry basket could hold a supply of baby-safe laundry detergent and fabric softener, a guide to removing common stains from baby clothes, an assortment of bibs and a certificate for one month of diaper service. If you know the color scheme of the baby's room, you could select a coordinating basket to package any type of gift you wish to give.
- Using a receiving blanket to wrap another present with creates a gift within a gift and, by not buying wrapping paper, keeps unnecessary trash out of the landfill. When you include the cost of the blanket into your gift budget, it also saves you money because you won't have to spend more on expensive paper. Wrap the gift just as you would with paper (but don't trim away any excess). Regular tape will hold the blanket together unless it's extra fuzzy; in that case, clear packaging tape will do the trick.
- You can use traditional baby motifs in a new way to wrap a fun baby gift. Instead of paper with rubber duckies stamped on it, you can use a bright yellow sheet of gift paper and draw one oversized duck on the front. If you don't have artistic skills, a giant duck sticker or cutout will do. Teddy bears are common themes for baby gifts, but you could wrap your gift in a square of fuzzy brown material and top it with a teddy-bear face made from pompoms and googly eyes instead of buying teddy-bear paper off the shelf.
- It's easy to make your own personalized baby-shower paper, and by keeping the design simple, it will look upscale even if you don't have a lot of crafting experience. All you need it a sheet of white paper, letter stamps and an ink pad. If you know the baby's first name, you can spell it out with stamps and ink, or use extra large stamps to print the initials. You can still create a personalized design without the name, by stamping the words "baby" or "welcome baby" on the paper.
- There are many creative items you can use to embellish a baby-shower package. A set of baby washcloths can be folded to look like a small bouquet of flowers and used instead of a bow. A cluster of pacifiers or rattles is an attractive and practical extra for dressing up a package. If the baby shower is near a major holiday, choose a package topper that relates to the season, such as a Christmas ornament, Hanukkah dreidel or patriotic pennant.
DIY Paper