An elder cat that's friendly one minute consequently bites me the subsequent.?
Meee oooo uuuu tttt cccc hhhh, A local neigbors cat has become a bit of a friend to me. It started with a visit, after some treats, now the cat bounces back and forth between homes... My place is...
brother's cat have a caesar?
my brother's cat had a caesar last night, what might te rationale be and what is a probable out-come?
Can chlamydia within cats be contagious to ppl? I fostered a kitten near persistent eye infections.?
When the new owner took the kitten to their vets they said it was not eye infection (which MY vet SHOULD enjoy discovered) but was chlamydia of the eye. My associates said that we could exchange for another kitten but they already love this one so we...
can i own TWOO kitty cats?
ok so i have my cat precious and i love her...but i want another cat but i am soo worried about felive and one of them catching it then giving it to the other...after i dig TWOO kitty graves :( how could i be sure they...
Do 5 week hoary kittens want to be feed milk?
My grand -ma got this new kitten she found external. It doesn't have a mom .Does it need to be fed milk.
Do I hold to mix my cats food?
My dad bought my cats food, however he bought the wrong one. I normally get Science Diet adult formula 1+. My dad bought Science Diet Mature 7+. It is can food. Do I have to mix the old food with the spanking new food or can I...
Do I own a pregnant cat?
Well she is just a little over a year. And she got external during her last heat cycle. Well her * never really changed colour. They are still a normal colour. But her stomach is getting larger. I can feel bumps in there. i am pretty positive...
facilitate,i've found solitary kittens contained by my backyard?
well...not really abandoned.they are so small.i think they are singular a few days old.they haven't opened their eyes yet and they still enjoy their umbilical cords.So i left them alone for sometime.They were four.Now they are three.One died today and i'm worried.Their mother is never around apart...
Female Kitten name?
My Friends geting a female kitten tomorrow and wants a unusual but cute designation for her, nothing common. shes a brown tabby. any ideas?
How do I gain Cat Urine out of an American Girl Doll's Cloth body and clothes?
So my American Girl Dolls were laying on this large bed I hold for them, clothes and all and my cat peed and pooped on them. It got on three dolls cloth body's and clothes. Can I wash the clothes within a washing machine, or do I...
How to spawn a kitten not be such a terrorism?
My husband and I got a kitten about a month ago. He is probably close to 3 months old. He only just ever uses his litter box and when he does, he scratches majority of his litter out. We have a pug and an english bulldog in...
I own a Cat Question ?
I have a kitten & a mom cat i just put up my xmas tree & they keep getting contained by it, I dont want to lock them up ive tried a spray bottle to keep them out its not working anyother suggestion thks
Male cat be fixed/broken he isnt like peas in a pod?
My male cat was fixed/broken about 2 weeks ago. He is not equal cat. Sleeps all the time. doesnt play like he used to. roll his ball on the floor he simply watches it, doesnt attack it like he used to. I dont really care for him...
my cat is around 63 days pregnant?
over the past week shes been sleeping in my room so iv be keeping a close eye on her.over the past 3 nights i could here a sawtof bubbling noise from her stomach and end night it was really loud nd she was acting realy strange she...
my girl cat is 5mo. frail have gone into grill 1st x, whats a dutiful age to own kittens? When can I win them fixed?
They also haven't had their shots, male cat is 1 yr, not fixed, neither go external at all.
Need give a hand for cat.ear mites?
My cat started scratching her ears, throwing her head around, and meowing (almost screaming) last darkness. Is this ear mites? Until I get her to the vet tomorrow morning, should I use vegetable oil? Vaseline? Peroxide? I don't want to do anything to her that would burn...
thinking of getting a cat?
I'm thinking of getting a cat. I might go to my local shelter but in your opinion, what breed of cat would be perfect natured with children and affectionate?
Why do cats close to walking on keyboards?
lol. My cat is starting to annoy me. :(
Why want cats chomp through dog food?
Cat's want eat Mitty dog! Dogs don't really like cat food eather, but they will eat it. Why do cats don't approaching dog food? Is there more protein in cat food or some secret ingredient?
¿Is this run of the mill for a mother cat to do?
Ok, my friend has a mother cat that gave birth to five kittens but the first two that she had be left out side still in the goo stuff. When she went out side to check on her cat she see that there was to kittens laying...
¿What´s the best food i can buy for my cat?
I have a 6 months old cat, he's still a kid and he's still growing, i've tried a couple brands but before i try more i would resembling to know what's the best food i can buy for my cat that is very nutritive and helps...
<~ See this cat? Name her?
We have taken in a stray cat, but we don't know what to call her.Have a turn yourself.We already have the following names:HenryFleurPoppyBrackenBillyJasmineSnowdropLilacPansyLilyWillowHolyWoodyPreferably a flower type name to fit contained by with the names above.
"High-Maintenance" Maine Coon Cats?
I have 2 gorgeous 5-year old Maine Coon Cats (1 male, 1 female) that I love dearly. But the 2 of them enjoy the worst hygiene. They know how to use the litter box but they still poop on the floor. They have hairballs often (even though...
"murmur kitty?" womanly manx?
i have a female manx she is a 15 month old rumpy that can't meow properly ever since i get her at 6 weeks old she just makes funny little high-ranking pitched noises but most of the time she'll open her mouth but pure silence or a...
(10 points) Do you close to cats?
Just wondering nicest answer to cats, wins!
(honest and sincere) thoughts on this cat?
I've been feeding this white kitten for the past three weeks. Like clock work, every light of day at five, the kitten comes onto my back porch and eats. I've tried countless times to get it inside, but it other runs away. I set...
(picture...)Grooming cats...worthy notion?
My cat has been looking pretty shabby lately, she gives herself baths religiously but the entry is she will not let me brush her, she'll start to bite and run off if I try. So, I figure I could take her to a professional groomer because they...
(UK) About my kitten and the vet?
Got a new kitten and need to sort out a vet, etc. How do I go around it? I've found a vet near us but what does it involve and how do the costs, etc work?
(Vets Please)Can cats carry drunk?
Im not joking,my mother once spilled a bottle of champagne and before we could stop her,my cat licked up alot of it.
*8 week infirm kitten is throwing up clear stuff, will not munch through?
I got my kitten 5 days ago, she lived in a house with 12 other cats, she is single 8 weeks old. She started throwing up on thursday night, and goign to the bathroom a lot. I have her to the vet for shots on friday...
More Cats Q&A Please visit :
Meee oooo uuuu tttt cccc hhhh, A local neigbors cat has become a bit of a friend to me. It started with a visit, after some treats, now the cat bounces back and forth between homes... My place is...
brother's cat have a caesar?
my brother's cat had a caesar last night, what might te rationale be and what is a probable out-come?
Can chlamydia within cats be contagious to ppl? I fostered a kitten near persistent eye infections.?
When the new owner took the kitten to their vets they said it was not eye infection (which MY vet SHOULD enjoy discovered) but was chlamydia of the eye. My associates said that we could exchange for another kitten but they already love this one so we...
can i own TWOO kitty cats?
ok so i have my cat precious and i love her...but i want another cat but i am soo worried about felive and one of them catching it then giving it to the other...after i dig TWOO kitty graves :( how could i be sure they...
Do 5 week hoary kittens want to be feed milk?
My grand -ma got this new kitten she found external. It doesn't have a mom .Does it need to be fed milk.
Do I hold to mix my cats food?
My dad bought my cats food, however he bought the wrong one. I normally get Science Diet adult formula 1+. My dad bought Science Diet Mature 7+. It is can food. Do I have to mix the old food with the spanking new food or can I...
Do I own a pregnant cat?
Well she is just a little over a year. And she got external during her last heat cycle. Well her * never really changed colour. They are still a normal colour. But her stomach is getting larger. I can feel bumps in there. i am pretty positive...
facilitate,i've found solitary kittens contained by my backyard?
well...not really abandoned.they are so small.i think they are singular a few days old.they haven't opened their eyes yet and they still enjoy their umbilical cords.So i left them alone for sometime.They were four.Now they are three.One died today and i'm worried.Their mother is never around apart...
Female Kitten name?
My Friends geting a female kitten tomorrow and wants a unusual but cute designation for her, nothing common. shes a brown tabby. any ideas?
How do I gain Cat Urine out of an American Girl Doll's Cloth body and clothes?
So my American Girl Dolls were laying on this large bed I hold for them, clothes and all and my cat peed and pooped on them. It got on three dolls cloth body's and clothes. Can I wash the clothes within a washing machine, or do I...
How to spawn a kitten not be such a terrorism?
My husband and I got a kitten about a month ago. He is probably close to 3 months old. He only just ever uses his litter box and when he does, he scratches majority of his litter out. We have a pug and an english bulldog in...
I own a Cat Question ?
I have a kitten & a mom cat i just put up my xmas tree & they keep getting contained by it, I dont want to lock them up ive tried a spray bottle to keep them out its not working anyother suggestion thks
Male cat be fixed/broken he isnt like peas in a pod?
My male cat was fixed/broken about 2 weeks ago. He is not equal cat. Sleeps all the time. doesnt play like he used to. roll his ball on the floor he simply watches it, doesnt attack it like he used to. I dont really care for him...
my cat is around 63 days pregnant?
over the past week shes been sleeping in my room so iv be keeping a close eye on her.over the past 3 nights i could here a sawtof bubbling noise from her stomach and end night it was really loud nd she was acting realy strange she...
my girl cat is 5mo. frail have gone into grill 1st x, whats a dutiful age to own kittens? When can I win them fixed?
They also haven't had their shots, male cat is 1 yr, not fixed, neither go external at all.
Need give a hand for cat.ear mites?
My cat started scratching her ears, throwing her head around, and meowing (almost screaming) last darkness. Is this ear mites? Until I get her to the vet tomorrow morning, should I use vegetable oil? Vaseline? Peroxide? I don't want to do anything to her that would burn...
thinking of getting a cat?
I'm thinking of getting a cat. I might go to my local shelter but in your opinion, what breed of cat would be perfect natured with children and affectionate?
Why do cats close to walking on keyboards?
lol. My cat is starting to annoy me. :(
Why want cats chomp through dog food?
Cat's want eat Mitty dog! Dogs don't really like cat food eather, but they will eat it. Why do cats don't approaching dog food? Is there more protein in cat food or some secret ingredient?
¿Is this run of the mill for a mother cat to do?
Ok, my friend has a mother cat that gave birth to five kittens but the first two that she had be left out side still in the goo stuff. When she went out side to check on her cat she see that there was to kittens laying...
¿What´s the best food i can buy for my cat?
I have a 6 months old cat, he's still a kid and he's still growing, i've tried a couple brands but before i try more i would resembling to know what's the best food i can buy for my cat that is very nutritive and helps...
<~ See this cat? Name her?
We have taken in a stray cat, but we don't know what to call her.Have a turn yourself.We already have the following names:HenryFleurPoppyBrackenBillyJasmineSnowdropLilacPansyLilyWillowHolyWoodyPreferably a flower type name to fit contained by with the names above.
"High-Maintenance" Maine Coon Cats?
I have 2 gorgeous 5-year old Maine Coon Cats (1 male, 1 female) that I love dearly. But the 2 of them enjoy the worst hygiene. They know how to use the litter box but they still poop on the floor. They have hairballs often (even though...
"murmur kitty?" womanly manx?
i have a female manx she is a 15 month old rumpy that can't meow properly ever since i get her at 6 weeks old she just makes funny little high-ranking pitched noises but most of the time she'll open her mouth but pure silence or a...
(10 points) Do you close to cats?
Just wondering nicest answer to cats, wins!
(honest and sincere) thoughts on this cat?
I've been feeding this white kitten for the past three weeks. Like clock work, every light of day at five, the kitten comes onto my back porch and eats. I've tried countless times to get it inside, but it other runs away. I set...
(picture...)Grooming cats...worthy notion?
My cat has been looking pretty shabby lately, she gives herself baths religiously but the entry is she will not let me brush her, she'll start to bite and run off if I try. So, I figure I could take her to a professional groomer because they...
(UK) About my kitten and the vet?
Got a new kitten and need to sort out a vet, etc. How do I go around it? I've found a vet near us but what does it involve and how do the costs, etc work?
(Vets Please)Can cats carry drunk?
Im not joking,my mother once spilled a bottle of champagne and before we could stop her,my cat licked up alot of it.
*8 week infirm kitten is throwing up clear stuff, will not munch through?
I got my kitten 5 days ago, she lived in a house with 12 other cats, she is single 8 weeks old. She started throwing up on thursday night, and goign to the bathroom a lot. I have her to the vet for shots on friday...
More Cats Q&A Please visit :