Health & Medical Anxiety

An Amazing Technique Answers the Question "What Can I Do About Anxiety?"

One day a friend asked me, 'What can I do about anxiety?" I had been sensing a change in him of late so when he came right out and asked this question I wasn't very surprised.
But at the time I didn't have any answers for him.
Never one to avoid learning something new, I set to work.
I did a bunch of research.
Now I didn't think my friend was suffering anxiety so badly that he needed professional help.
If I'd had any sense of that I would've made the doctor's appointment for him myself.
No, in this case there'd been some recent upheaval in my friend's life and I was pretty sure that was at the root of his anxiety.
The next time I saw him I touched base with him on my theory about what was making him anxious.
He said I was right on the mark! We talked a lot that day.
I believe that when anybody is suffering with anything, letting them talk through their thoughts and feelings goes a long way towards relieving the emotional and psychological pressure they're experiencing.
I'm a good listener which makes me a layman psychologist of sorts I guess.
Eventually he asked again, "What can I do about this anxiety?" This time I had an answer.
I told him that if he had the will power to actually tackle the anxiety that was becoming a reccurring experience in his life than there was a way he could take matters into his own hands and turn things around.
That he in fact could free himself from the anxiety loops he'd increasingly been getting caught in by learning one simple technique.
A technique that within three days could rid him of his anxiety forever.
The relief from his anxiety would be immediate and totally natural.
It wouldn't require any medication or alternative therapies.
I told my friend, "every change in life begins with a thought followed by action!" I asked him if he knew what the flip side to chronic anxiety is? He shook his head from side to side.
He didn't know.
"Soaring confidence," I exclaimed.
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