Law & Legal & Attorney Government & administrative Law

MSDS Section Requirements


    • Section 1 identifies the chemical formulas and general uses of many hazardous materials, together with the name of manufacturers and their emergency telephone numbers.


    • Section 2 includes information about the constituent ingredients used in the manufacture of the material, including its specific chemical identity.


    • Section 3 contains information about the hazards posed by the material and about possible health effects caused by exposure to it.

    First Aid

    • Section 4 provides information about the first aid measures that are necessary for treating exposure to the material. Included are specific treatments for eye contact, skin contact, and ingestion, plus notes for physicians who treat any related injuries.

    Fire Fighting

    • Section 5 contains information about fighting a fire caused by the material, including flash point, autoignition temperature, extinguishing media, and explosion hazards.

    Accidental Release

    • Section 6 defines how small and large spills of the material should be treated, including containment, cleanup, and regulatory requirements.

    Handling and Storage

    • Section 7 explains safe handling and storage procedures for the material, including any regulatory requirements.

    Exposure Controls

    • Sections 8 defines the protection equipment that must be used when handling the material to protect against exposure.


    • Section 9 defines the physical and chemical properties of the material, including physical state, appearance, solubility and boiling point.

    Stability and Reactivity

    • Section 10 describes the circumstances under which the material is likely to break down or change composition. It includes which materials to avoid to prevent a dangerous reaction.


    • Section 11 describes the poisonous properties of the material. It includes acute effects, multiple dose effects, and acute inhalation effects of exposure to the material.


    • Section 12 describes the dangers to the environment posed by the material, including the environmental toxicity, degradation rate, and soil absorption and mobility.

      Sections 13 through 16 provide information about disposal, transportation, regulations, and other pertinent information.

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