Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

How Much Money Can an Engineer in the Navy Earn Per Year?

    Job Descriptions

    • Navy reactor engineers are responsible for inspecting reactors, developing procedures for refueling and designing reactors for ships and submarines. They must go through a rigorous selection process in order to be eligible for training. Naval civil engineers are responsible for overseeing enlisted soldiers doing construction, managing naval facilities and working with civilian contractors.

    Enlisted Pay

    • Starting with basic training, soldiers start at enlisted level pay. This begins at the E-1 pay grade, which pays $1,447.20 a month, while those at E-2 earn $1,622.20. E-3 starts at $1,705.80, increases to $1,813.20 at two years of enlistment and $1,923.00 at three years.E-4 starts at $1,899.70; $1,986.30 at two years, $2,094.00 at three and $2,199.90 at four years. E-5 begins at $2,061.30; $2,199.30 at two years, $2,305.50 at three and $2,414.40 at four years. These figures are current as of 2011.

    Officer Pay

    • The sailor advances to officer pay level after graduating officer training school. This starts out at the O-1 pay grade at $2,745.60 up to $3,454.20 at three years. O-2 pay grade begins at $3,162.90 monthly and reaches a high of $4,289.10, while O-3 level begins at $3,660.60 a month and peaks at $4,883.40 at four years of enlistment. O-4 pay grade ranges from $4,163.70 to $5,213.10 monthly at four years and the O-5 pay grade ranges from $4,825.50 monthly to $5,883.30 at four years. O-6 pay grade runs from $5,788.50 to a high of $6,776.70 a month, as of 2011.

    Other Benefits

    • Pay level can vary with how quickly the sailor is promoted up the ranks. It can also vary with yearly raises that allow for increases in the rate-of-living. Engineers receive other benefits that include educational incentives, health insurance and housing allowances. They have access to low-cost life insurance. Naval engineers can also enjoy up to 30 days of paid vacation leave.

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