- Navy reactor engineers are responsible for inspecting reactors, developing procedures for refueling and designing reactors for ships and submarines. They must go through a rigorous selection process in order to be eligible for training. Naval civil engineers are responsible for overseeing enlisted soldiers doing construction, managing naval facilities and working with civilian contractors.
- Starting with basic training, soldiers start at enlisted level pay. This begins at the E-1 pay grade, which pays $1,447.20 a month, while those at E-2 earn $1,622.20. E-3 starts at $1,705.80, increases to $1,813.20 at two years of enlistment and $1,923.00 at three years.E-4 starts at $1,899.70; $1,986.30 at two years, $2,094.00 at three and $2,199.90 at four years. E-5 begins at $2,061.30; $2,199.30 at two years, $2,305.50 at three and $2,414.40 at four years. These figures are current as of 2011.
- The sailor advances to officer pay level after graduating officer training school. This starts out at the O-1 pay grade at $2,745.60 up to $3,454.20 at three years. O-2 pay grade begins at $3,162.90 monthly and reaches a high of $4,289.10, while O-3 level begins at $3,660.60 a month and peaks at $4,883.40 at four years of enlistment. O-4 pay grade ranges from $4,163.70 to $5,213.10 monthly at four years and the O-5 pay grade ranges from $4,825.50 monthly to $5,883.30 at four years. O-6 pay grade runs from $5,788.50 to a high of $6,776.70 a month, as of 2011.
- Pay level can vary with how quickly the sailor is promoted up the ranks. It can also vary with yearly raises that allow for increases in the rate-of-living. Engineers receive other benefits that include educational incentives, health insurance and housing allowances. They have access to low-cost life insurance. Naval engineers can also enjoy up to 30 days of paid vacation leave.
Job Descriptions
Enlisted Pay
Officer Pay
Other Benefits