- 1). Begin by facing the dummy (your opponent in this case) in a staggered stance. If you are right-handed, your left foot should be at the front and your right in the rear. Keep your torso directly facing your opponent, and your hands lightly balled up just below eye level to protect your head and chest. At arm's length from your "opponent," push off with your right foot, transferring your weight forward but not leaving the ground. Simultaneously twist your upper body clockwise, bringing your left side closer to your opponent. Drive your upper arm forward and straighten your arm at the elbow to strike the opponent square across the nose with your fist. The knuckles of the fist should be on a horizontal plane at the time of impact, meaning you will have to turn your wrist as you punch.
- 2). Pull your left arm back to protect the left side of the face while rising up to the ball of the right foot. Use that slight push forward to twist your upper body in a counterclockwise motion. Before the twist ends, cock the right arm back and slightly to the side, and drive it forward to strike the opponent across the left temple. Again, your knuckles should be in a horizontal row.
- 3). Retract the right arm and shift your weight to the left, bobbing down as you do so. Bend at the knees and hips while keeping your eyes on the dummy. Continue the bob in a pendulum-like motion, to rise up on the opposite side by shifting your body’s weight to the right. You shouldn’t have to move your feet to do this. When you rise, your weight should be on your back foot, pushing yourself as far to the right as possible by rising up to the toe of the left foot. Your entire body is twisted and has a great deal of kinetic potential; it’s time to put it to use.
- 4). Keep your right arm cocked and beside your ear as you twist back to your left as hard as you can. Push your body weight onto your forward foot to add to this momentum. Only begin to extend your right arm an instant before making contact with the side of the opponent’s skull. Continue to drive with the right fist, forcing your opponent’s head back and to the side until your right arm is completely locked at the elbow. This third strike would be sufficient to knock down any human opponent, because it forces him far off balance as your punch extends.