Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

5 Things to Not Do While Healing Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can cause all sorts of problems like itching, burning, pain, and bleeding.
This extremely embarrassing condition can be made worse if you aren't careful.
There are things you should avoid doing when healing hemorrhoids.
One treatment option is to soften the stool so that there isn't as much pressure on the hemorrhoids making sure there won't be as much ripping or tearing on the hemorrhoid.
The problem is that some take it too far and soften the stool so much it becomes a diarrhea problem.
This can make the problem as equally bad as constipation.
Eating fruits to soften the stool are fine but don't take it too far.
While food is important there are some foods to avoid.
It's a good idea to avoid spicy foods when your hemorrhoids are healing.
During a bowel movement spicy foods can cause unnecessary pain.
Also avoid things like nuts as they don't completely digest and could cause problems for the hemorrhoids.
Ignoring the problem isn't going to fix the problem.
Hemorrhoids need some care and treatment.
At the least hemorrhoids need to be cleaned daily to avoid infections and help reduce swelling.
Stressful exercise should be avoided.
This will put way too much pressure on the hemorrhoids delaying the healing.
Some exercise can be done but only within reason.
Forcing a bowel movement is not going to help heal the problem.
This could be partially why you have a hemorrhoid in the first place.
Go when you have to go but don't force it at all under any circumstances.
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