- 1). Practice your photography skills with your camera of choice to determine your personal strengths, weaknesses and style.
- 2). Build a portfolio of photographs that will convey to editors and other important figures the kind of work you hope to do or would be particularly good at. Network with other people trying to break into the fashion industry to conduct photo shoots for your portfolio. For instance, work with local up and coming designers or fresh faced models; working as a group will benefit everyone involved.
- 3). Organize your portfolio in a photo book; this is critical as it will be a physical resume that can be brought to meetings and left with important figureheads in the industry. Include at least twenty carefully selected photographs that tell a story about who you are as a photographer, what you're interested in and what you're capable of doing. Use tear sheets from magazines if your work has already been published, or simply include 4 by 5 inch transparencies of unpublished work.
- 4). Submit your work to fashion publications; these could be print materials like magazines and newspapers or digital mediums like websites and blogs. Call the offices of the publications before sending your work to find out the name of an appropriate recipient in the company, such as a photo editor. Send only transparencies or prints, never the original work.
- 5). Build a website to display your work digitally; this will make it easier to show your skills to a large audience, and will make it easier for clients to find samples of your photographs quickly. Create social networking pages on sites like Facebook and Twitter. Make your own business cards to hand out should you meet a network worthy acquaintance.
- 6). Sign up with a photography agency to help you market your work; this is an important step as these agencies are in direct contact with the clients you'll want to be working with.
- 7). Submit your work to galleries. Research submission policies beforehand and then follow the appropriate guidelines for sending your work for consideration.