- A flag cake is a great idea for any holiday to show your patriotism. It is also one of the most simple and cute ways of decorating a cake. Using a box of premade cake mix, bake the cake according to package directions in a 13 by 9 inch pan. For an American flag cake, allow the cake to cool and then cover it in white icing. Using 1/3 cup of blueberries, place the blueberries in the upper left corner of the cake. Make even rows of five blueberries down and 10 across. Then, cut 1 pt. of strawberries in half lengthwise, Create red stripes across and down the cake, placing the strawberries horizontally so they look like an American flag. You can use this method for any country's flag, either using fruit as a decoration, or using decorating gels to draw on the embellishments.
- If you are making a cake for a graduation party, there are a few different ways you can do this. One idea is to bake a two or thee , 9 by 9 or 12 by 9 cakes of any flavor and then decorate each one to look like a different book. Title the books after the areas that the graduate studied in school. Carefully stack the cakes on top of each other turning each one slightly so they look like real stacks of books. You can roll a piece of white paper wrapped in a ribbon on top of the books to look like a diploma. You can also make a jelly roll diploma cake, simply by baking a traditional jelly roll, icing it in white frosting, and topping it with a Fruit Roll-up bow.
- A watermelon cake is a delicious summer trip that looks incredible and tastes great, too. Beat together cake mix, cherry or other red unsweetened fruit drink mix, and minichocolate chips. Bake two cakes in 8- or 9-inch round cake pans according to package instructions. Mix green food coloring with 1 cup of white frosting and red food coloring with the remaining frosting in a container. Frost one cake's top with red frosting, and then carefully place the second cake on top and frost with the remaining red frosting. Frost the outer edges with the green frosting. Place green jellybeans on the green frosting, and remaining chocolate chips on the red frosting to resemble watermelon seeds. The result is a beautiful cake that looks like a watermelon.
Flag Cake
Graduation Cake
Watermelon Cake