Home & Garden Gardening

Gardening Hints to Ward Off Fungus During Summer, Lawn Maintenance

Most of us are prepared to commit huge amounts for landscaping and gardening to give a facelift for our home.
But we neglected to prune when the plants required it, and then your highly invested landscape appears more awful than ever.
Therefore this is a great time to learn about the gardening hints for greater upkeep of your lawn.
Do conform to the accompanying gardening hints for more beneficial life of your garden: -   Gardening hints for pruning As we discussed in the introduction, pruning plays a crucial role in garden maintenance.
Whenever you make a mistake when pruning, don't lose your heart as it's like a bad haircut, it's going to grow once again.
  Avoid watering in the evening During summer, you could experience high humidity, which could result in many problems in your garden.
To make your plants nice and dry, tuck them in for the night.
Also, watering in the evening should be avoided to prevent damage to the plants.
  Get rid of Powdery mildew Powdery mildew is the most common fungus and by and large affects your decorative plants.
This will produce a white film on the leaves of the plants in your garden.
Even other decorative plants such as Sand cherry and Dogwoods may also be affected by this fungus.
Effective gardening is essential to restrict the development of this fungus.
You can easily preclude this by spraying general fungicide in the garden centre.
Prevention of Pythium Blight If you live in the north and also have perennial Rye grass, then you should be very particular not to leave your grass wet at night.
A terrible fungus called Pythium Blight can take the upper hand, if you leave your lawn wet at night, as this fungus enjoys to develop in highly humid conditions, for the most part at night-time.
  Pythium blight may be easily seen in the early morning.
You can well appreciate the fungus on top of the lawn, looking like white cotton candy.
You can easily observe this fungus primarily along driveways and walks, wherever the soil is damp.
Pythium blight may easily be controlled by watering in the day at the earliest conceivable time.
  Fire Blight Fire Blight, yet another perpetrator, prefers growing during the summer than any other season.
This fungus prefers to attack Pyracantha, cotoneasters, crabapple trees, and Apple trees.
The presence of Fire Blight can easily be figured once any one of the branches of the plant becomes red and dies.
This Fire Blight can be precluded by pruning the affected branch and removing it from the main plant and taking it away as far as possible.
  It is also crucial that the cut branches be burnt as Fire Blight is contagious and also to wash or dip the shears used by applying alcohol so as to preclude the distribution of the deadly fungus to additional parts of the branch.
Shotgun fungus A little gem-like fungus, which prefers to develop in mulch and inclines to swell, has been termed as "Short gun Fungus".
This fungus can fly upwards of 8 feet in the air and will spatter a house with tiny brown particles and once they adhere to the house or windows, they stick like glue.
Most of us suspect the spiders and aliens for this tiny brown particle.
You can't preclude this fungus, but can do something by maintaining the mulch loose so that air may circulate inside to keep this fungus out.
Though mulch is great, don't allow it to get compacted, try to remove it at a minimum of once a year and also rake it flat as it will appear as if you've just recently mulched.
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