Cars & Vehicles Motorcycles

Part Two - On Getting Your Bike Ready For the Up-and-Coming Riding Season

Part Two series on how to get your bike ready for the up-and-coming riding season and save yourself some money.
Here is a complete guide to all you need to Know About Motorcycle maintenance for the four cycle motorcycle.
Even if you applied motorcycle storage tips before putting your bike away for the winter, you'll want to go through this checklist before hitting the road this riding season.
In part one we covered: 1.
Air Filter:
remove and then clean the air filters.
the first thing you wanted to check is your fluids levels.
New plugs:
Now is a good time to go hand in changer spark plugs.
Keep your tires correctly inflated.
check the tire tread and make sure that there are no major cracks.
Now on to part two.
We probably dont need to tell you that your brakes are important and you should recheck the brake lines as well as the brake fluid and pads regularly before going out for a ride.
The brake fluid absorbs moisture over time and can becomes less effective.
Replace brake fluid every year and your brakes will perform the best.
If your bike has been sitting for long Time is a good idea to examine your chain.
then you'll want to adjusted so it is properly tension.
you also want to start by lubricate it with a commercial chain spray.
Spray liberally on the side of the chain.
Spray both the left and the right hand side of the chain.
You can use piece of newspaper so that you do not dirty the rear wheel rim as you spray.
Bearings & Bushings
Go over your entire bike and locate all of the bearings and give a nice lubrication.
Lubricate everything that needs it.
The control cables, anything that swings or pivots like the steering neck and swing-arm, EXT.
You can use a spray on lubricant for some spots where others you may want to use a grease gun.
If you didn't drain your carburetors before storing it you're going to have to clean them out with some carburetor cleaner.
You may also have to re-tune your carburetors.
The carburetors allow the piston to suck air through the crabs from the air filter or filter box.
As the air rushes through the crab, it creates a vacuum that sucks gas up through nozzles and vaporizes it to be pulled into the engine which causes explosion when the spark hits it.
Take care of your carburetors.
You may be able to find a more detailed guide at your library on your specific carburetor to tune them properly.
10 Fuel.
Is your Fuel ok? Did you take the time to pour some stabilizer in the before storage? If you used gas stabilizer or fuel stabilizer your fuel should be in good.
Double check and open up the filler cap and looking inside for gunk.
If the fuel is bad take your tank off and drain it into a bucket then add some fresh fuel before starting your engine.
  • Cool, think how much money you saved on garage fees.
    Start the engine and let it warm up before you revving it up.
    Ok, if all is good go out for a long ride and enjoyed the spring weather.
    Be safe man.
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